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Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1111/dom.14531

In the article by McCrimmon et al.,1 the following errors require amendments.

Footnotes for Table 1 should be corrected and updated in the Table as well. The data shown in Table 1 were correct and remain unaltered. The updated footnotes are shown below:

aiGlarLixi dose adjustments were based on once-daily fasting SMPG measurements;

bThe U/day refers solely to the iGlar component of iGlarLixi;

cBIAsp 30 titration utilized pre-dinner SMPG values for breakfast dose adjustment and pre-breakfast SMPG values for dinner dose adjustment.

Dose adjustments were made weekly. BIAsp 30, biphasic insulin aspart 30 (30% insulin aspart and 70% insulin aspart protamine); iGlarLixi, once-daily titratable fixed-ratio combination of basal insulin glargine 100 units/mL and the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist lixisenatide; SMPG, self-monitored plasma glucose.

In Table 3, data regarding prior basal insulin used at baseline have been corrected and the updated values are shown below; all other data in the table were correct. The footnote for the rows ‘Average basal insulin daily dose (U)’ and ‘Average basal insulin daily dose (U/kg), in Table 3 should be corrected to f.

Demographic/clinical characteristic iGlarLixi (n = 443) BIAsp 30 (n = 444) All participants (N = 887)
Prior basal insulin at baseline, n (%)
Insulin glargine 100 U/mL 188 (42.4) 219 (49.2) 407 (45.8)
Insulin glargine 300 U/mL 100 (22.6) 92 (20.7) 192 (21.6)
NPH 102 (23.0) 82 (18.4) 184 (20.7)
Insulin detemir 34 (7.7) 31 (7.0) 65 (7.3)
Insulin degludec 19 (4.3) 21 (4.7) 40 (4.5)
Average basal insulin daily dose (U), mean ± SDf 33.8 ± 9.6 33.8 ± 9.9 33.8 ± 9.8
Average basal insulin daily dose (U/kg), mean ± SDf 0.43 ± 0.15 0.43 ± 0.14 0.43 ± 0.14

In Section 3.1 titled Baseline characteristics, the sentence regarding the basal insulin used at baseline should be corrected (in line with the Table 3 amendments) to read as:

The most common prior basal insulin used at baseline was insulin glargine 100 U/mL (45.8%), followed by insulin glargine 300 U/mL (21.6%), neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin (20.7%), insulin detemir (7.3%) and insulin degludec (4.5%).

The online version of the article has been corrected to reflect the above changes including amendments to in-text citation of references where necessary for accuracy. References 8 (Haluzík et al.) and 15 (Rosenstock et al.) have also been removed.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.



在 McCrimmon 等人的文章中,1以下错误需要修正。

表 1 的脚注也应在表中更正和更新。表 1 中显示的数据是正确的并且保持不变。更新后的脚注如下所示:

a iGlarLixi 剂量调整基于每天一次的空腹 SMPG 测量值;

b U/day 仅指 iGlarLixi 的 iGlar 组件;

c BIAsp 30 滴定利用餐前 SMPG 值进行早餐剂量调整和早餐前 SMPG 值进行晚餐剂量调整。

每周进行剂量调整。BIAsp 30,双相门冬胰岛素 30(30% 门冬胰岛素和 70% 门冬胰岛素鱼精蛋白);iGlarLixi,基础甘精胰岛素 100 单位/mL 和胰高血糖素样肽-1 受体激动剂 lixisenatide 的每日一次可滴定固定比例组合;SMPG,自我监测的血浆葡萄糖。

在表 3 中,关于在基线时使用的先前基础胰岛素的数据已经过校正,更新后的值如下所示;表中的所有其他数据都是正确的。表 3 中“平均基础胰岛素日剂量 (U)”和“平均基础胰岛素日剂量 (U/kg)”行的脚注应更正为f

人口统计学/临床特征 iGlarLixi (n = 443) BIAsp 30 (n = 444) 所有参与者 (N = 887)
基线时的既往基础胰岛素,n (%)
甘精胰岛素 100 U/mL 188 (42.4) 219 (49.2) 407 (45.8)
甘精胰岛素 300 U/mL 100 (22.6) 92 (20.7) 192 (21.6)
NPH 102 (23.0) 82 (18.4) 184 (20.7)
地特胰岛素 34 (7.7) 31 (7.0) 65 (7.3)
德谷胰岛素 19 (4.3) 21 (4.7) 40 (4.5)
平均基础胰岛素日剂量 (U),平均值 ± SD f 33.8±9.6 33.8±9.9 33.8±9.8
平均基础胰岛素日剂量 (U/kg),平均值 ± SD f 0.43±0.15 0.43±0.14 0.43±0.14

在标题为基线特征的第 3.1 节中,关于基线时使用的基础胰岛素的句子应更正(与表 3 修订一致)改为:

基线时最常见的既往基础胰岛素是甘精胰岛素 100 U/mL (45.8%),其次是甘精胰岛素 300 U/mL (21.6%)、中性鱼精蛋白 Hagedorn (NPH) 胰岛素 (20.7%)、地特胰岛素 (7.3 %) 和德谷胰岛素 (4.5%)。

文章的在线版本已更正以反映上述更改,包括在必要时对参考文献的文本引用进行修正以确保准确性。参考文献 8(Haluzík 等)和 15(Rosenstock 等)也已删除。

