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Government work in Idi Amin's Uganda
Africa ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0001972021000462
Derek R. Peterson

Under Idi Amin's government, institutions that served the public interest were dramatically under-resourced. An array of self-nominated, self-important, self-righteous people were empowered to take on administrative tasks that, in an earlier dispensation, had been the work of professionals. Businesses and institutions that had formerly been under the regulatory authority of credentialled experts were thrown open all at once for commoners to operate. Everywhere there were campaigns, as the new regime made obscure and technical issues into urgent problems demanding a resolution. Ugandans were called upon to defend cultures, to struggle against imperialism and racism, and to transform the architecture of the economy. That is how people came to see themselves as proprietors of public life. Their work allowed commoners to claim equity over resources and infrastructures. In their investments in the operations of public institutions, people became custodians, proprietors and petty authoritarians. Their proprietary sense of responsibility was a powerful inducement to self-sacrifice. It was also the fuel for demagoguery.



在伊迪·阿明 (Idi Amin) 政府的领导下,为公共利益服务的机构资源严重不足。一系列自我提名、自负、自以为是的人被授权承担管理任务,而在早期的时代,这些任务是专业人士的工作。以前受有资格的专家监管的企业和机构一下子全部开放,供平民经营。到处都有运动,因为新政权将晦涩难懂的技术问题变成了需要解决的紧迫问题。乌干达人被要求捍卫文化,与帝国主义和种族主义作斗争,并改变经济结构。这就是人们如何将自己视为公共生活的所有者。他们的工作使平民能够要求对资源和基础设施的公平。在对公共机构运营的投资中,人们成为了监护人、所有者和小威权主义者。他们特有的责任感是自我牺牲的强大诱因。这也是煽动的燃料。
