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Colors Inspired by Nature Analyzed in Two Residential Buildings Designed by Victor Horta
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.3390/arts10030060
Barbara Widera

The aim of the article is to present the results of research on colors carried out in two residential buildings in Brussels, designed by Victor Horta: The Tassel House (1893–1894) and The Horta House (1898–1901), representing the Art Nouveau style for which the main source of inspiration was nature. The purpose of the research was to check whether the selection of colors in the buildings was also inspired by nature. The investigation applied methods of archive studies, literature review, field survey and comparative analysis of 251 color samples taken in the interiors and façades of the two houses, compared to the 307 color samples collected in the natural environment within the radius of 700 m from the two locations. The samples were described using the Natural Colour System® chart. The research results revealed that the value of the color-matching indicator for the comparison of the color samples collected in the two examined buildings and the samples of predominant colors observed in the natural environment was determined at the average level of 92.5%. The conclusions from the study confirmed the significance of drawing inspiration from nature in the field of colors selection in the two analyzed buildings designed by Victor Horta.


在 Victor Horta 设计的两座住宅建筑中分析受自然启发的颜色

这篇文章的目的是展示在布鲁塞尔的两座住宅建筑中进行的色彩研究结果,由维克多·奥尔塔设计:流苏之家(1893-1894)和奥尔塔之家(1898-1901),代表了新艺术运动风格的主要灵感来源是自然。研究的目的是检查建筑物中颜色的选择是否也受到大自然的启发。本次调查采用档案研究、文献查阅、实地调查和对比分析等方法,对两栋房屋的内部和外墙采集的251个颜色样本,与在距住宅区700 m范围内的自然环境中采集的307个颜色样本进行对比分析。两个位置。使用 Natural Color System ®描述样品图表。研究结果显示,在两个受检建筑物中采集的颜色样本与在自然环境中观察到的主要颜色样本进行比较的配色指标值平均为92.5%。研究的结论证实了在 Victor Horta 设计的两座分析建筑的色彩选择领域从大自然中汲取灵感的重要性。