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The impact of online celebrity in livestreaming E-commerce on purchase intention from the perspective of emotional contagion
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services ( IF 11.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102733
Lu (Monroe) Meng 1 , Shen Duan 1 , Yijun Zhao 1 , Kevin Lü 2 , Siyun Chen 3

The purpose of this study is to investigate (1) if online celebrities can directly emotionally influence consumers, and (2) if the other audiences of the same livestream can indirectly emotionally influence consumers to increase their willingness to buy the products recommended by the online celebrities. Therefore, to understand the reasons for the successes of livestreaming e-commerce. Two studies have been conducted: in Study 1, a questionnaire-based survey has been used for data collection and AMOS version 17.0 software was used to analyze the data of the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM); in Study 2, a web data crawler for data collection was developed using python software, and the collected data were processed by ICTCLAS text splitting tool and analyzed by Stata/MP 13.0 software for the econometric model constructed in this paper. This study found that the performance of online celebrities can stimulate consumers' emotions, and thus enhance consumers' purchase intention regarding the products recommended. This study also found that pleasure, arousal, admiration, and emotional trust can influence purchase behavior for cosmetics and clothing. For food products, only pleasure emotion, arousal emotion and admiration emotion can increase the willingness to purchase such products. For other audiences who watch the same Online celebrity for food products, the pleasure, arousal, and admiration emotions can increase searches for, and purchases of the products recommended. This study identified that online celebrities' performances can emotionally influence consumers' willingness to purchase products recommended by online celebrities directly. In addition, the emotions of audiences watching the online celebrities can indirectly influence consumers' willingness to purchase products recommended by the online celebrities.



本研究的目的是调查(1)网红是否可以直接影响消费者,以及(2)同一直播的其他观众是否可以间接影响消费者以增加他们购买网红推荐产品的意愿. 因此,要了解直播电商成功的原因。进行了两项研究:在研究 1 中,使用基于问卷的调查进行数据收集,并使用 AMOS 17.0 版软件分析结构方程模型 (SEM) 的数据;在研究2中,使用python软件开发了一个用于数据采集的网络数据爬虫,将采集到的数据通过ICTCLAS文本分割工具进行处理,并通过Stata/MP 13.0软件对本文构建的计量经济模型进行分析。本研究发现,网红的表现可以激发消费者的情绪,从而增强消费者对推荐产品的购买意愿。这项研究还发现,愉悦、兴奋、钦佩和情感信任会影响化妆品和服装的购买行为。对于食品而言,只有愉悦情绪、唤醒情绪和钦佩情绪才能增加购买此类产品的意愿。对于其他观看同一网红产品的观众来说,愉悦、兴奋和钦佩的情绪可以增加推荐产品的搜索量和购买量。本研究发现,网红的表现可以直接影响消费者购买网红推荐产品的意愿。此外,
