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Can application of liquid dairy manure onto no-tillage oxisols reduce runoff, sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen losses over 9 years of natural rainfall?
Geoderma ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115406
Nerilde Favaretto 1 , Verediana Fernanda Cherobim 1 , Fabiana de Medeiros Silveira 2 , Adriana Timofiecsyk 1 , Rebert Skalitz 3 , Gabriel Barth 4 , Volnei Pauletti 1 , Jeferson Dieckow 1 , Fabiane Machado Vezzani 1

The objective of this study was to explore the effects of long-term (9 years) application of liquid dairy manure (LDM) on runoff, sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen losses in two Oxisols with sandy clay loam or clayey textures under no-tillage and natural rainfall. Treatments were LDM rates of 0, 60, 120, and 180 m3 ha−1 year−1 randomized in a complete block design with four replications. Manure was applied onto a mulch cover and split into winter application, after black oat or wheat sowing, and summer application, after soybean or maize sowing. Runoff was sampled and analysed after each rainfall event for 9 years. Rainfall events which led to runoff were separated into three classes: <35 mm day−1, 35–50 mm day−1, and >50 mm day−1. Application of LDM increased the concentration of nutrients in the runoff, but overall reduced the runoff volume and therefore losses of sediment, dissolved reactive phosphorus, ammonium, and nitrate by on average 34% in the sandy clay loam soil and 56% in the clayey soil, at the most effective rate of 120 m3 ha−1 year−1. Effects of LDM application on reducing runoff was also more evident in summer season and for rainfall events <35 mm day−1. In practical terms, we would recommend application of LDM up to rate of 120 m3 ha−1 year−1 to promote agronomic and environmental benefits. Although LDM applied in no-tillage system reduced water, sediment, and nutrients losses, complementary practices must be adopted to prevent the surface runoff from reaching the aquatic system.


在 9 年的自然降雨过程中,将液态乳粪施用于免耕腐殖质是否可以减少径流、沉积物、磷和氮的损失?

本研究的目的是探讨长期(9 年)施用液态奶粪 (LDM) 对免耕条件下两种砂质粘壤土或粘土质地的氧化土中径流、沉积物、磷和氮损失的影响。和自然降雨。处理是 0、60、120 和 180 m 3 ha -1-1 的LDM 率,在完整的区组设计中随机进行四次重复。将粪肥施在覆盖物上,分为冬季施肥(黑燕麦或小麦播种后)和夏季施肥(大豆或玉米播种后)。在 9 年的每次降雨事件后对径流进行采样和分析。导致径流的降雨事件分为三类:<35 mm day -1、35-50 mm day -1, 并且 >50 mm 天-1。LDM 的应用增加了径流中养分的浓度,但总体上减少了径流体积,从而减少了沉积物、溶解活性磷、铵和硝酸盐的损失,在砂质粘壤土中平均减少 34%,在粘质土壤中减少 56% ,以 120 m 3 ha -1-1 的最有效率。LDM 应用对减少径流的影响在夏季和降雨量<35 mm day -1时也更为明显。实际上,我们建议应用 LDM 达到 120 m 3 ha -1-1促进农业和环境效益。虽然免耕系统中应用的 LDM 减少了水、沉积物和养分的损失,但必须采取补充措施来防止地表径流到达水生系统。
