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Evolution of the vertebrate motor system - from forebrain to spinal cord.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2021.07.016
Sten Grillner 1

A comparison of the vertebrate motor systems of the oldest group of now living vertebrates (lamprey) with that of mammals shows that there are striking similarities not only in the basic organization but also with regard to synaptic properties, transmitters and neuronal properties. The lamprey dorsal pallium (cortex) has a motor, a visual and a somatosensory area, and the basal ganglia, including the dopamine system, are organized in a virtually identical way in the lamprey and rodents. This also applies to the midbrain, brainstem and spinal cord. However, during evolution additional capabilities such as systems for the control of foreleg/arms, hands and fingers have evolved. The findings suggest that when the evolutionary lineages of mammals and lamprey became separate around 500 million years ago, the blueprint of the vertebrate motor system had already evolved.



将现存最古老的脊椎动物(七鳃鳗)的脊椎动物运动系统与哺乳动物的运动系统进行比较表明,不仅在基本组织方面,而且在突触特性、递质和神经元特性方面都存在惊人的相似之处。七鳃鳗的背侧大脑皮层(皮层)具有运动区、视觉区和体感区,而包括多巴胺系统在内的基底神经节在七鳃鳗和啮齿类动物中的组织方式几乎相同。这也适用于中脑、脑干和脊髓。然而,在进化过程中,诸如用于控制前腿/手臂、手和手指的系统等附加功能已经进化。研究结果表明,当哺乳动物和七鳃鳗的进化谱系在大约 5 亿年前分离时,