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Vicuña dung gardens at the edge of the cryosphere: Comment
Ecology ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3522
William L Franklin 1, 2

Reider and Schmidt (2020) brought rightful attention to the significant impact that Vicuña (Vicugna mensalis mensalis) communal dung piles have on high-altitude, plant communities in the Peruvian Andes. They recognized that such dung piles are most likely long lasting when site-specific deposit of nutrients accelerates plant growth in an otherwise nutrient deficient arid-alpine ecosystem. They made an important discovery in that dung piles were made by Vicuñas pioneering newly available alpine habitat due to recent glacial retreat. They also presented an original Vicuña Gardening Hypothesis stating, “By creating and maintaining latrines, Vicuñas may be essentially creating resource patches, ‘gardens,’ that facilitate their movement through the barren, high-Andean landscape.” Here I propose an alternative hypothesis for Vicuña dung piles based upon spatial orientation, as documented by pertinent questions.



Reider 和 Schmidt(2020 年)引起了人们对 Vicuña( Vicugna mensalis mensalis)公共粪堆对秘鲁安第斯山脉高海拔植物群落的重大影响的关注。他们认识到,当特定地点的养分沉积加速植物在其他营养缺乏的干旱高山生态系统中的生长时,这种粪堆很可能是持久的。他们发现了一个重要的发现,即由于最近的冰川退缩,羊粪是由 Vicuñas 开创了新的高山栖息地而形成的。他们还提出了一个原始的Vicuña 园艺假设陈述,“通过建造和维护厕所,骆马可能实质上是在创造资源斑块,‘花园’,以促进它们在贫瘠的安第斯山脉高地移动。” 在这里,我提出了一个基于空间方向的 Vicuña 粪堆的替代假设,正如相关问题所记录的那样。
