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N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids III: The theorem
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2021.08.001
Nick Brettell , Geoff Whittle , Alan Williams

Let M be a 3-connected matroid, and let N be a 3-connected minor of M. A pair {x1,x2}E(M) is N-detachable if one of the matroids M/x1/x2 or Mx1x2 is 3-connected and has an N-minor. This is the third and final paper in a series where we prove that if |E(M)||E(N)|10, then either M has an N-detachable pair after possibly performing a single Δ-Y or Y-Δ exchange, or M is essentially N with a spike attached. Moreover, we describe the additional structures that arise if we require only that |E(M)||E(N)|5.


3-连通拟阵中的 N-可分离对 III:定理

M是一个 3-连通拟阵,让NM 的一个 3-连通次要。一双{X1,X2}()如果其中一个拟阵是N 可分离/X1/X2 或者 X1X2是 3-connected 并且有一个N -minor。这是系列中的第三篇也是最后一篇论文,我们证明如果|()|-|(N)|10,那么在可能执行单个Δ- YY- Δ 交换后,M有一个N -可分离对,或者M本质上是N,并附加了一个尖峰。此外,我们描述了如果我们只需要的额外结构|()|-|(N)|5.
