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Street vendors in Lima in the time of COVID-19: Guilty or oppressed?
The Canadian Geographer ( IF 1.482 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-26 , DOI: 10.1111/cag.12712
Diego Coletto 1 , Lema Jaber 1 , Linus Vanhellemont 2

The debate over the formality and informality of street vendors in Lima (Peru) is a long lasting one that has resulted in significant conflicts between the authorities and the vendors, wherein the latter are often represented as victims or people unable to comply with any type of rule. During the COVID-19 lockdown period, the urban markets in Lima have had to abide by new safety and hygiene measures and follow new social norms to protect both vendors and buyers. This paper focuses on two food markets in the city (La Parada and Santa Anita), describing and analyzing different implementations, interpretations, and representations of the lockdown rules. The main objective is to broaden the understanding of the different types of street vendors who work in Lima and contribute to the de-homogenization of the phenomenon. The study is based on interviews, ethnographic observations, and digital ethnography.


COVID-19 时期利马的街头小贩:有罪还是受压迫?

关于利马(秘鲁)街头小贩的正规性和非正规性的争论是一场持久的争论,导致当局与小贩之间发生重大冲突,其中后者通常被描述为受害者或无法遵守任何类型的规则。在 COVID-19 封锁期间,利马的城市市场不得不遵守新的安全和卫生措施,并遵循新的社会规范来保护供应商和买家。本文重点关注该市的两个食品市场(La Parada 和 Santa Anita),描述和分析封锁规则的不同实施、解释和表示。主要目标是扩大对在利马工作的不同类型的街头小贩的了解,并有助于消除这种现象的同质化。该研究基于访谈,.