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The FASEB Journal ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1096/fsb2.21887

Correction for “Estrogen-related receptor α is involved in angiogenesis and skeletal muscle revascularization in hindlimb ischemia,” by Danesh H. Sopariwala, Neah Likhite, Guangsheng Pei, Fnu Haroon, Lisa Lin, Vikas Yadav, Zhongming Zhao, and Vihang A. Narkar, which was first published March 31, 2021; https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.202001794RR (FASEB J. 35, e21480).

The authors report that G. Pei’s name was misspelled in the manuscript supplied for production. The corrected author names and affiliations are as follows:

Danesh H. Sopariwala1 | Neah Likhite1 | Guangsheng Pei2 | Fnu Haroon1 | Lisa Lin1,3 | Vikas Yadav1 | Zhongming Zhao2,4 | Vihang A. Narkar1,5

1Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, McGovern Medical School, UTHealth, Houston, TX, USA

2Center for Precision Medicine, School of Biomedical Informatics, UTHealth, Houston, TX, USA

3Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA

4Human Genetics Center, School of Public Health, UTHealth, Houston, TX, USA

5Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UTHealth, TX, USA



Danesh H. Sopariwala、Neah Likhite、Guangsheng Pei、Fnu Haroon、Lisa Lin、Vikas Yadav、Zhongming Zhao 和 Vihang A. Narkar 对“雌激素相关受体 α 参与血管生成和后肢缺血的骨骼肌血运重建”的修正,于 2021 年 3 月 31 日首次发布;https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.202001794RR(FASEBĴ35,e21480)。

作者报告说,G. Pei 的名字在供生产的手稿中拼错了。更正后的作者姓名和单位如下:

Danesh H. Sopariwala 1 | Neah Likhite 1 | 广生培2 | Fnu Haroon 1 | 丽莎林1,3 | 维卡斯亚达夫1 | 赵仲明2,4 | Vihang A. Narkar 1,5


2美国德克萨斯州休斯顿 UTHealth 生物医学信息学院精准医学中心



