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Retraction Note to: Loss of PDEF, a prostate-derived Ets factor is associated with aggressive phenotype of prostate cancer: Regulation of MMP 9 by PDEF
Molecular Cancer ( IF 27.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s12943-021-01402-x
Thomas R Johnson 1 , Sweaty Koul 1 , Binod Kumar 1 , Lakshmipathi Khandrika 1 , Sarah Venezia 1 , Paul D Maroni 1 , Randall B Meacham 1 , Hari K Koul 1

Retraction Note to: Mol Cancer 9, 148 (2010)


The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article. After publication concerns were raised that the images above the last two bars in Fig. 4D are identified as PC3 cells, whereas in [1] the same images in Fig. 5F above the first and fourth bars are identified as DU145 cells. An investigation by the University of Colorado at Denver was unable to establish the veracity of these images as the original data were not available. The Editor-in-Chief no longer has confidence in the data presented. Hari K Koul, Paul D Maroni, Lakshmipathi Khandrika, Randall B Meacham and Binod Kumar agree with this retraction. Sweaty Koul has not responded to any correspondence from the Editor-in-Chief or Publisher about this retraction. The Editor-in-Chief was not able to obtain a current email address for Thomas R. Johnson and Sarah Venezia.

  1. 1.

    Johnson TR, Khandrika L, Kumar B, Venezia S, Koul S, Chandhoke R, et al. Focal adhesion kinase controls aggressive phenotype of androgen-independent prostate Cancer. Mol Cancer Res. 2008;6(10):1639–48. https://doi.org/10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-08-0052.

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  1. Program in Urosciences, Division of Urology-Department of Surgery, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Denver Veterans Administrative Medical Center, and University of Colorado Comprehensive Cancer Center, Building P15 or RC2, C-317, 12700 E 19th Avenue, Aurora, CO, 80045, USA

    Thomas R. Johnson, Sweaty Koul, Binod Kumar, Lakshmipathi Khandrika, Sarah Venezia, Paul D. Maroni, Randall B. Meacham & Hari K. Koul

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  4. Lakshmipathi KhandrikaView author publications

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  5. Sarah VeneziaView author publications

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  8. Hari K. KoulView author publications

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Correspondence to Hari K. Koul.

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Johnson, T.R., Koul, S., Kumar, B. et al. Retraction Note to: Loss of PDEF, a prostate-derived Ets factor is associated with aggressive phenotype of prostate cancer: Regulation of MMP 9 by PDEF. Mol Cancer 20, 109 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-021-01402-x

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-021-01402-x


撤回注释:PDEF(一种前列腺衍生的 Ets 因子)的丢失与前列腺癌的侵袭性表型相关:PDEF 对 MMP 9 的调节

撤回注释:Mol Cancer 9, 148 (2010)


主编已撤回这篇文章。发表后,人们担心图 4D 中最后两个条上方的图像被识别为 PC3 细胞,而在 [1] 中,图 5F 中第一条和第四条上方的相同图像被识别为 DU145 细胞。由于无法获得原始数据,丹佛科罗拉多大学的一项调查无法确定这些图像的真实性。主编不再对所提供的数据充满信心。Hari K Koul、Paul D Maroni、Lakshmipathi Khandrika、Randall B Meacham 和 Binod Kumar 同意这一撤回。Sweaty Koul 没有回复主编或出版商关于此次撤稿的任何信件。主编无法获得 Thomas R. Johnson 和 Sarah Venezia 的当前电子邮件地址。

  1. 1.

    Johnson TR、Khandrika L、Kumar B、Venezia S、Koul S、Chandhoke R 等。粘着斑激酶控制雄激素非依赖性前列腺癌的侵袭性表型。摩尔癌症水库。2008;6(10):1639-48。https://doi.org/10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-08-0052。

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  1. 泌尿科学计划,泌尿外科 - 外科,科罗拉多大学丹佛医学院,丹佛退伍军人行政医疗中心和科罗拉多大学综合癌症中心,P15 或 RC2 大楼,C-317,12700 E 19th Avenue,Aurora, CO, 80045, 美国

    Thomas R. Johnson, Sweaty Koul, Binod Kumar, Lakshmipathi Khandrika, Sarah Venezia, Paul D. Maroni, Randall B. Meacham & Hari K. Koul

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  2. Sweaty Koul查看作者的出版物

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  3. Binod Kumar查看作者的出版物

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  4. Lakshmipathi Khandrika查看作者的出版物

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  7. Randall B. Meacham查看作者的出版物

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约翰逊,TR,库尔,S.,库马尔,B.等人。撤回注释:PDEF(一种前列腺衍生的 Ets 因子)的缺失与前列腺癌的侵袭性表型相关:PDEF 对 MMP 9 的调节。摩尔癌症 20, 109 (2021)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-021-01402-x


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  • DOI https ://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-021-01402-x
