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The effect of content knowledge and repeated teaching on teaching and learning basic life support: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Acta Cardiologica ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00015385.2021.1969109
Peter Iserbyt 1 , Tom Madou 1, 2



Experimental research on the training of BLS instructors and how their performance evolves is scarce. This study investigated the role of content knowledge and repeated teaching trials for improving teaching and learning Basic Life Support (BLS).


A cluster randomised controlled trial. Six secondary school teachers were assigned to either a common content knowledge (CCK) or specialised content knowledge (SCK) training. In the CCK group, teachers were taught to perform BLS technically correct. In the SCK group, teachers were additionally taught to detect and correct common errors students would make. Following the training, teachers taught two BLS lessons to two different classes of secondary school students (n = 216, age 12–14). Teachers’ lesson organisation in terms of cognitive (e.g. task presentations), motor (e.g. practice time), and general (e.g. getting organised) activities was assessed. Students’ BLS and CPR performance was assessed as the primary outcomes.


BLS performance was significantly higher in the second lesson for students taught by SCK versus CCK teachers (73% vs 63%). No significant difference was detected between lesson one and two across conditions and teachers. For cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) variables, significant differences in favour of the SCK condition were found for chest compression depth after lesson one, and the amount and volume of ventilations after lesson two.


Students’ BLS and CPR performance was positively impacted by the SCK training. BLS performance varied greatly by teachers with averages ranging from 53% to 83% across conditions. Results suggest teaching experience alone is not sufficient to improve teaching effectiveness.





关于 BLS 教师培训及其绩效如何演变的实验研究很少。本研究调查了内容知识和重复教学试验对改进教学和学习基本生命支持 (BLS) 的作用。


集群随机对照试验。六名中学教师被分配接受共同内容知识 (CCK) 或专业内容知识 (SCK) 培训。在 CCK 组中,教师被教导在技术上正确执行 BLS。在 SCK 小组中,教师还被教导要发现和纠正学生可能犯的常见错误。培训结束后,教师向两个不同班级的中学生(n  = 216,年龄 12-14 岁)教授了两节 BLS 课程。评估了教师在认知(例如任务介绍)、运动(例如练习时间)和一般(例如组织起来)活动方面的课程组织。学生的 BLS 和 CPR 表现被评估为主要结果。


在第二节课中,由 SCK 教授的学生的 BLS 表现明显高于 CCK 教师(73% 对 63%)。在不同条件和教师的第一课和第二课之间没有发现显着差异。对于心肺复苏 (CPR) 变量,在第一课后的胸部按压深度以及第二课后的通气量和通气量方面,发现有利于 SCK 条件的显着差异。


SCK 培训对学生的 BLS 和 CPR 表现产生了积极影响。BLS 的表现因教师而异,平均水平从 53% 到 83% 不等。结果表明,单靠教学经验不足以提高教学效果。
