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Making commissioning work: The relational gap between intent and implementation in the transition to ‘commissioning’ community services in New South Wales
Australian Journal of Public Administration ( IF 2.140 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-8500.12510
Mark Riboldi 1 , Lisa Fennis 1 , Elaine Fishwick 1 , Susan Goodwin 1 , Marc Stears 1

The question of impact is at the heart of human service design, with governments searching perennially for the right approach to meeting citizen need while responsibly acquitting public funds. In this area, ‘commissioning’ has become a popularised approach, most recently in Australia. Although in theory commissioning is a strategic and relational practice offering to put communities at the heart of decision-making, commissioning in practice has proved less transformational. This paper explores the gulf between intent and implementation in the transition to commissioning human services in New South Wales (NSW) in the context of the Commissioning Project, a collaborative project facilitated by the Sydney Policy Lab at the University of Sydney to enable peak organisations in the community sector build a collective approach to commissioning. The collaboration resulted in the articulation of four guiding principles to facilitate better commissioning in NSW: putting relationships first, letting communities lead, investing in people, and embedding learning.



影响问题是人类服务设计的核心,政府一直在寻找满足公民需求的正确方法,同时负责任地释放公共资金。在这个领域,“调试”已经成为一种流行的方法,最近在澳大利亚。尽管理论上委托是一种战略性和相关性实践,可以将社区置于决策的核心,但实践中的委托已证明其变革性较小。本文探讨了在调试项目的背景下,在新南威尔士州 (NSW) 向调试人类服务过渡的意图和实施之间的鸿沟,一个由悉尼大学悉尼政策实验室推动的合作项目,旨在使社区部门的顶尖组织建立一种集体的委托方法。此次合作阐明了四项指导原则,以促进在新南威尔士州更好地开展工作:将关系放在首位、让社区发挥主导作用、投资于人以及嵌入学习。