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The effect of plant size and branch traits on rainfall interception of 10 temperate tree species
Ecohydrology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-26 , DOI: 10.1002/eco.2349
Stefanie Pflug 1, 2 , Bernard R. Voortman 3 , Johannes H. C. Cornelissen 1 , Jan‐Philip M. Witte 4

Rainfall interception by vegetation plays an important role in the hydrological cycle. Next to rainfall characteristics, interception is influenced by tree size, crown structure and bark morphology. How tree traits determine interception across functionally and morphologically wide-ranging tree species is poorly understood. We determined interception ratios (interception:gross precipitation) and canopy storage capacities of seven temperate deciduous broadleaved (Acer pseudoplatanus L., Betula pendula Roth, Carpinus betulus L., Fagus sylvatica L., Populus tremula L., Sorbus aucuparia L.) and three evergreen coniferous tree species (Picea abies (L.) Karsten, Pinus sylvestris L., Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) as well as the influence of various tree traits on interception parameters. Interception was measured directly with natural rainfall by means of gravimetry on potted trees, 2–8 m tall, for seven consecutive months. Our results show that (a) the coniferous species had larger canopy storage capacities and larger interception ratios than the broadleaved species both during (summer) and outside the growing season (winter); (b) the absolute tree interception (in kg) of the broadleaved species was positively related to stem diameter at breast height, tree and crown height, maximum branch length, the total branch surface area and above ground dry weight; and (c) interception per unit crown projected area (in mm) of all species was positively related to branch length and branch surface area per unit crown projected area. These results can be used to estimate interception parameters from plant traits and to simulate interception losses of trees in a more reliable manner.



植被截留的降雨在水文循环中起着重要作用。除了降雨特征之外,截获量还受树木大小、树冠结构和树皮形态的影响。树木性状如何决定对功能和形态范围广泛的树种的拦截知之甚少。我们确定了七种温带落叶阔叶树(Acer pseudoplatanus L.、Betula pendula Roth、Carpinus betulus L.、Fagus sylvatica L.、Populus tremula L.、Sorbus aucuparia L.)的截留率(截留量:总降水量)和冠层蓄水能力以及三种常绿针叶树种(Picea abies (L.) Karsten,Pinus sylvestris L., Pseudotsuga menziesii(Mirb.) Franco) 以及各种树性状对拦截参数的影响。连续 7 个月,通过对 2-8 m 高的盆栽树的重力测量,直接用自然降雨量来测量截留量。我们的结果表明(a)针叶树种在(夏季)和生长季节外(冬季)都比阔叶树种具有更大的冠层存储能力和更大的截留率;(b) 阔叶树种的绝对树木截留量(公斤)与胸高、树冠高度、最大分枝长度、总分枝表面积和地上干重呈正相关;(c) 所有物种的单位树冠投影面积截留量(mm)与枝长和单位树冠投影面积的枝表面积呈正相关。