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Competing Crises? Media Coverage and Framing of Climate Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Environmental Communication ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2021.1969978
Mark C. J. Stoddart 1 , Howard Ramos 2 , Karen Foster 3 , Tuomas Ylä-Anttila 4


The COVID-19 pandemic emerged against the backdrop of the longer-term climate change crisis and increasing global awareness of the imperative for climate action, disrupting the post-Paris trajectory of climate policy and media coverage of climate change. We examine news media coverage from Canadian legacy newspapers and answer three questions. First, did the COVID-19 pandemic work as a critical event in its impacts on news media coverage of climate change, and if so, in what ways? Second, did media framing of climate change shift in response to this critical event, and if so, in what ways? Third, are there notable differences between national and subnational media frames? We find that COVID-19 is a critical event linked to a period of reduced media coverage of climate change. However, this critical event also opened new spaces for news framing that connects environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability.


竞争危机?COVID-19 大流行期间气候变化的媒体报道和框架


COVID-19 大流行的出现是在长期气候变化危机和全球对气候行动必要性的认识不断提高的背景下出现的,扰乱了巴黎气候变化政策和媒体对气候变化报道的后巴黎轨迹。我们检查了加拿大传统报纸的新闻媒体报道并回答了三个问题。首先,COVID-19 大流行是否是影响新闻媒体对气候变化报道的关键事件?如果是,以何种方式?其次,气候变化的媒体框架是否因应对这一重大事件而发生变化,如果是,以何种方式发生变化?第三,国家和地方媒体框架之间是否存在显着差异?我们发现 COVID-19 是一个关键事件,与一段时间内媒体对气候变化的报道减少有关。然而,
