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The advantage of daughters in hypogamous families: parental heterogamy and educational outcomes among children of highly educated parents
European Societies ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2021.1969028
Luis Ortiz-Gervasi 1


Increasing female educational attainment across OECD countries is making hypogamy a widespread phenomenon. This trend provides an opportunity to re-examine the effects of educational assortative mating on children's educational outcomes. This research explores the effects of hypergamy, homogamy, and hypogamy on gender differences in children's expectation of university graduation and actual college graduation. For the first purpose, logistic regression with country fixed-effects is applied to individual-level data from PISA 2015; a similar analysis is carried out for the second purpose with data from the European Social Survey. Three characteristics make us expect higher female advantage among children of hypogamous couples: higher probability of mothers being the main family breadwinner; higher probability of gender value conflict, eventually leading to family breakup and the father's absence; and the possibility that the father's occupation discourages sons from pursuing higher education. A systematic female advantage is indeed found among children of hypogamous couples in terms of expectation of college graduation and actual college graduation. Among the possible mechanisms behind this female advantage, only the father's and the mother's occupation could be explored with the data at hand, but none of them explain this advantage.




经合组织国家女性受教育程度的提高正在使低婚成为一种普遍现象。这一趋势提供了一个机会,可以重新审视教育性配对对儿童教育成果的影响。本研究探讨了异婚、同婚和异婚对儿童对大学毕业的期望和实际大学毕业的性别差异的影响。首先,将具有国家固定效应的逻辑回归应用于 PISA 2015 的个人数据;第二个目的是使用欧洲社会调查的数据进行类似的分析。三个特征让我们期待在非婚生子的孩子中女性优势更大:母亲成为主要家庭养家糊口的可能性更高;性别价值冲突的可能性更高,最终导致家庭破裂和父亲缺席;以及父亲的职业阻碍儿子接受高等教育的可能性。在大学毕业的预期和实际大学毕业方面,确实在低婚夫妇的孩子中发现了系统的女性优势。在这种女性优势背后的可能机制中,只有父亲和母亲的职业可以用手头的数据进行探索,但没有人能解释这种优势。
