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Volatility-reducing biodiversity conservation under strategic interactions
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107193
Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron 1 , Giorgio Fabbri 2 , Katheline Schubert 3

How can decentralized individual decisions inefficiently reduce the ability of biodiversity to mitigate ecological and environmental variability and then its “natural insurance” role? In this article we present a simple theoretical set-up to address this question and to evaluate some policy options.

We study a model of strategic competition among farmers for the conversion of a natural forest to agricultural land. Unconverted forest land allows to conserve biodiversity, which contributes to reducing the volatility of agricultural production. Agents' utility is given in terms of a Kreps Porteus stochastic differential utility capable of disentangling risk aversion and aversion to fluctuations.

We characterize the land used by each farmer and her welfare at the Nash equilibrium, we evaluate the over-exploitation of the land and the agents' welfare loss compared to the socially optimal solution and we study the drivers of the inefficiencies of the decentralized equilibrium.

After characterizing the value of biodiversity in the model, we use it to obtain a decomposition which helps to study the policy implications of the model by identifying in which cases the allocation of property rights is preferable to the introduction of a tax on land conversion. Our results suggest that enforcing property rights is more relevant in case of stagnant economies while taxing land conversion may be more suited for rapidly developing economies.




我们研究了农民之间将天然林转变为农用地的战略竞争模型。未转化的林地可以保护生物多样性,这有助于减少农业生产的波动。代理的效用是根据 Kreps Porteus 随机微分效用给出的,该效用能够解开风险厌恶和波动厌恶。


