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Textual Practice ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1080/0950236x.2021.1970001
Fabienne Collignon 1


In this article on The Shining, I investigate a becoming-insect that occurs with respect to Jack Torrance as a result of his enmeshing with the being of the Hotel, configured as wasp-force in both novel and film. I deviate from Deleuze and Guattari’s understanding of becoming in order to think through how becoming, or swarming (used interchangeably), comes to function as masculine politics of control. The first part of the essay maps the processes of becoming onto The Shining, and proceeds to investigate the phenomenon of fascination, relying on Roger Caillois’ work on mimetic insects, in part two. The final part focuses on the insectile sound-image of the Hotel, above all using Michel Chion’s writings. My intention is to use The Shining in order to think through and interrupt the automatic understanding of becoming-insect/swarming as operating beyond the sovereignty of the father and to reflect on The Shining’s continued parasitic apparitions in contemporary culture and politics.




在这篇关于The Shining 的文章中,我调查了一种与 Jack Torrance 相关的变虫,因为他与酒店的存在纠缠在一起,在小说和电影中都被配置为黄蜂力量。我偏离了德勒兹和加塔里对生成的理解,以思考生成或蜂拥(可互换使用)如何发挥男性控制政治的作用。文章的第一部分将成为的过程映射到闪灵,并在第二部分继续研究迷恋现象,依靠罗杰·卡伊略斯关于拟态昆虫的工作。最后一部分侧重于酒店的昆虫声像,尤其是使用 Michel Chion 的作品。我的意图是使用The Shining为了思考和打断对成为昆虫/蜂拥而至的行为超越父亲主权的自动理解,并反思《闪灵》在当代文化和政治中持续的寄生幻影。
