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The Star in Man: C. G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz on the Alchemical Philosophy of Gerard Dorn
Psychological Perspectives ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2020.1852812
Thomas Willard

Gerard Dorn (ca. 1535–ca. 1584) translated a great many Paracelsian texts into Latin; he also wrote a large body of work broadly inspired by Paracelsus. In an early book on “the whole of the alchemical philosophy,” he made alchemy into an allegory of good living, showing that it had moral as well as medical applications. His writing provided an important point of reference for the alchemical studies of C. G. Jung (1875–1961), and Jung’s comments on it were later elaborated in a series of English-language lectures by his long-time collaborator Marie-Louise von Franz (1915–1998). Her lectures on the “alchemical active imagination” show one direction that Paracelsian ideas have taken in the last century. Whereas Paracelsus and his school treat imagination as a mental faculty, Jung and his school treat it as a mental process. Paracelsians think of imagination as aiding processes of divination and discovery of correspondences between the inner and outer or upper and lower worlds—correspondences that Jungians regard as synchronicities. In particular, the process of speculation, aided by a strong imagination, is close to the active imagination that von Franz finds in Dorn’s tract on speculative philosophy.


人之星:CG Jung 和 Marie-Louise von Franz 关于 Gerard Dorn 的炼金术哲学

杰拉德·多恩(Gerard Dorn,约 1535–约 1584 年)将大量帕拉塞尔斯文本翻译成拉丁文;他还写了大量受帕拉塞尔苏斯启发的作品。在一本关于“整个炼金术哲学”的早期著作中,他将炼金术变成了美好生活的寓言,表明它在道德和医学上都有应用。他的著作为 CG Jung (1875–1961) 的炼金术研究提供了一个重要的参考点,而荣格对此的评论后来在他的长期合作者 Marie-Louise von Franz (1915) 的一系列英语讲座中得到了阐述–1998)。她关于“炼金术积极想象力”的讲座展示了西沙塞尔斯思想在上个世纪所采取的一个方向。帕拉塞尔苏斯和他的学派将想象力视为一种心理能力,而荣格和他的学派则将其视为一种心理过程。帕拉塞尔斯主义者认为想象力有助于占卜和发现内在与外在或上下世界之间的对应关系——荣格认为这种对应关系是同步性的。尤其是,在强大想象力的辅助下进行的思辨过程,更接近于冯·弗朗茨在多恩的思辨哲学小册子中所发现的主动想象。
