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Barriers to Men’s Help Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605211035870
Julie C Taylor 1 , Elizabeth A Bates 1 , Attilio Colosi 1 , Andrew J Creer 1

Evidence suggests that male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) are less likely to seek help for their victimization than female victims. Studies exploring barriers to help seeking are relatively scarce in the United Kingdom (UK) and those that have been undertaken across Europe, United States, Canada, and Australia have tended to rely on small samples of help-seeking men who have self-identified as victims of IPV. With a view to include more male victim voices in the literature, an anonymous qualitative questionnaire was distributed via social media. In total, 147 men (85% from the UK) who self-identified as being subject to abuse from their female partners, completed the questionnaire. The data was subjected to a deductive thematic analysis and one superordinate and two overarching themes were identified. The superordinate theme was stigmatized gender and the two overarching themes (subthemes in parentheses) were barriers prohibiting help seeking (status and credibility, health and well-being) and responses to initial help seeking (discreditation, exclusion/isolation, and helpfulness). The findings are discussed in the context of Overstreet and Quinn’s (2013) interpersonal violence and stigma model and findings from previous research. The conclusions and recommendations promote education and training and advocate a radical change to policy.



有证据表明,与女性受害者相比,亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 的男性受害者寻求帮助的可能性较小。在英国,探索寻求帮助障碍的研究相对较少,而在欧洲、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚进行的研究往往依赖于自认为是寻求帮助的男性的小样本。 IPV 的受害者。为了在文献中纳入更多男性受害者的声音,通过社交媒体分发了一份匿名定性调查问卷。共有 147 名自称遭受女性伴侣虐待的男性(85% 来自英国)完成了调查问卷。对数据进行演绎主题分析,确定了一个首要主题和两个总体主题。最重要的主题是污名化的性别,两个首要主题(括号中的子主题)是禁止寻求帮助的障碍(地位和信誉、健康和福祉)以及对最初寻求帮助的反应(失信、排斥/孤立和乐于助人)。这些发现是在 Overstreet 和 Quinn (2013) 的人际暴力和耻辱模型以及之前的研究结果的背景下进行讨论的。结论和建议促进教育和培训,并倡导对政策进行根本性改变。
