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Journal of Neuroendocrinology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1111/jne.13017

In the paper by Sze and Brunton, entitled ‘Effects of prenatal stress on neuroactive steroid responses to acute stress in adult male and female rats’ (J Neuroendocrinol. 2021;33:e12916),1 panel H in Figure 9 was incorrect. The correct figure is as follow:

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Allopregnanolone concentrations in the plasma and brain regions of male and female control (Con) and prenatally stressed (PNS) offspring. In males, a significant main effect of acute stress was observed for the plasma and all brain regions, where the swim-stressed rats had greater concentrations of allopregnanolone in the circulation and brain compared to the basal groups, under both control and PNS conditions (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). No main effects of prenatal stress were observed in the male plasma or in any of the brain regions. In females, there was no effect of prenatal stress or acute stress on plasma allopregnanolone concentrations. In the brain, no effect of prenatal stress was observed. A main effect of acute stress was observed in the frontal cortex (D), hypothalamus (F) and brainstem (L) of the females; however, post-hoc testing revealed significant group differences only in the frontal cortex (D) and hypothalamus (F), where PNS, but not control, swim-stressed rats had greater concentrations of allopregnanolone compared to their respective basal group (*P < 0.05). Note the difference in the scale of the y axes between the sexes. NS, not significant. n = 9 or 10 rats per group

Correspondingly, under section 3.4 Progesterone, DHP and allopregnanolone, the last paragraph on page 12 should not refer to the amygdala in Figure 9(H). The correct sentence should be:

In females, there were main effects of acute stress in most brain regions for progesterone (Figure 7), although only in the frontal cortex for DHP (Figure 8D), and the frontal cortex (Figure 9D), hypothalamus (Figure 9F) and brainstem (Figure 9L) for allopregnanolone.

The authors apologise for the errors.



在 Sze 和 Brunton 的论文中,题为“产前压力对成年雄性和雌性大鼠急性应激的神经活性类固醇反应的影响”(J Neuroendocrinol . 2021;33:e12916),图 9 中的1组 H 是不正确的。正确的图如下:

图 9
雄性和雌性对照 (Con) 和产前应激 (PNS) 后代血浆和大脑区域的别孕酮浓度。在雄性中,在血浆和所有大脑区域观察到急性应激的显着主要影响,在对照和 PNS 条件下,与基础组相比,游泳应激大鼠在循环和大脑中具有更高浓度的别孕酮 (* P  < 0.05;** P  < 0.01;*** P < 0.001)。在男性血浆或任何大脑区域中均未观察到产前压力的主要影响。在女性中,产前压力或急性压力对血浆别孕酮浓度没有影响。在大脑中,没有观察到产前压力的影响。在雌性的额叶皮层 (D)、下丘脑 (F) 和脑干 (L) 中观察到急性应激的主要影响;然而,事后测试仅在额叶皮层 (D) 和下丘脑 (F) 中显示出显着的组差异,其中 PNS 而不是对照组,游泳应激大鼠与各自的基础组相比具有更高浓度的别孕酮 (* P  < 0.05)。请注意两性之间y轴的比例差异。NS,意义不大。n = 每组 9 或 10 只大鼠

相应地,在第 3.4 节孕酮、DHP 和别孕酮中,第 12 页的最后一段不应指代图 9(H)中的杏仁核。正确的句子应该是:

在女性中,大多数大脑区域对孕酮有急性应激的主要影响(图 7),尽管仅在 DHP 的额叶皮层(图 8D)和额叶皮层(图 9D)、下丘脑(图 9F)和脑干(图 9L) 用于别孕酮。

