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“The Imam of modern Egypt was a sceptic”: Mustafa Sabri's Radical Critique of Muhammad ʿAbduh and Modernist Theology
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s1356186321000663

This article re-examines the theology of Egyptian ʿalim Muhammad ʿAbduh (1849–1905) through the writing of Late Ottoman sheikh ül-Islam Mustafa Sabri (1869–1954) and his radical critique of the Muslim reform (tajdīd) movement. One of Mustafa Kemal's most implacable foes, Sabri was alarmed to find Egyptian ʿulamaʾ and intellectuals advancing the positivist-materialist agenda he had challenged in Istanbul before fleeing in 1922 from Ankara's victorious nationalist forces. Debating the leading lights of the modernist movement in Egypt of the 1930s and 1940s, Sabri came to see its reform theology as little more than a calque on Enlightenment notions of religion; his ideas became influential through his close relationship with Hasan al-Banna and other figures from the Muslim Brotherhood. Examining Sabri's work in Istanbul and Cairo, ʿAbduh's early and later writing, and texts such as ʿAbduh's famous debate with Farah Antun, the islāmiyyāt literature of Egypt's liberal age, and material by Sayyid Qutb, I argue that Sabri was instrumental in formulating the hostile discourse that came to dominate Muslim views of ʿAbduh in the later twentieth century once the ideologies of Salafism and Brotherhood Islamism had eclipsed that of the reformers.



本文通过已故奥斯曼帝国酋长 ül-Islam Mustafa Sabri (1869-1954) 的著作和他对穆斯林改革 ( tajdīd ) 运动的激进批评,重新审视了埃及ʿalim Muhammad ʿAbduh (1849-1905) 的神学。穆斯塔法·凯末尔最顽固的敌人之一,萨布里惊恐地发现埃及人ʿulamaʾ和知识分子推进他在伊斯坦布尔挑战的实证主义-唯物主义议程,然后于 1922 年逃离安卡拉胜利的民族主义力量。在辩论 1930 年代和 1940 年代埃及现代主义运动的领军人物时,萨布里开始将其改革神学视为对启蒙宗教观念的一次妥协。由于他与哈桑·班纳和其他穆斯林兄弟会人物的密切关系,他的想法变得有影响力。检查萨布里在伊斯坦布尔和开罗的作品,ʿAbduh 的早期和后期写作,以及 ʿAbduh 与 Farah Antun 的著名辩论、islāmiyyāt等文本埃及自由主义时代的文学和赛义德·库特布的材料,我认为萨布里在制定敌对话语方面发挥了重要作用,这种话语在 20 世纪后期主导了穆斯林对 ʿAbduh 的看法,一旦萨拉菲主义和兄弟会伊斯兰主义的意识形态使改革者的意识形态黯然失色.
