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Mantid ootheca (Insecta: Mantodea: Hierodula) or a home for many arthropods?
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s40995-021-01184-3
Zohreh Mirzaee 1 , Mehregan Ebrahimi 1 , Saber Sadeghi 1 , Maryam Hajian 1 , Roberto Battiston 2

This is the first discovery of nesting an ant queen in the mantid’s oothecae chamber. A total of 93 oothecae have been collected and dissected. After tearing the outer skin of the most oothecae apart (80 out of 93), a queen ant Crematogaster inermis (Formicidae: Crematogastrini) and her eggs were observed. All of these 80 oothecae were parasited by parasitoid wasp Podagrion pachymerum (Chalcidoidea: Toryminae). According to our observations, it was assumed that the ant, Crematogaster inermis (Formicidae: Crematogastrini), inhabited the oothecae of mantid, Hierodula tenuidentata (Mantidae: Paramantini), to get a ready nest and accessible food using parasitoid wasps. We observed a mixed-species aggregation of arthropods in most of the examined oothecae. The arthropods that were observed in most of the collected oothecae are listed below: An ant, Crematogaster inermis (Formicidae: Crematogastrini); a mimicking spider ant, Synageles persianus (Salticidae: Dendryphantini); a parasitoid, Podagrion pachymerum (Chalcidoidea: Toryminae); a pseudoscorpion species, Chernes sp. (Chernetidae: Chernetini); a thysanoptera species, Haplothrips sp. (Phlaeothripidae: Haplothripini) and a neuroptera species, Semidalis sp. (Coniopterygidae: Conwentziini).


Mantid ootheca(昆虫纲:Mantodea:Hierodula)还是许多节肢动物的家园?

这是在螳螂妖的卵鞘室中筑巢蚁后的首次发现。共收集和解剖了 93 个卵鞘。在撕开大多数卵鞘的外皮(93 个中的 80 个)后,观察到了蚁后Crematogaster inermis(蚁科:Crematogastrini)和她的卵。所有这 80 个卵鞘都被寄生蜂Podagrion pachymerum (Chalcidoidea: Toryminae)寄生。根据我们的观察,这是假设蚂蚁,举腹麦(蚁:Crematogastrini),居住mantid的卵囊,Hierodula tenuidentata(螳螂科:Paramantini),使用寄生蜂获得现成的巢穴和可获取的食物。我们在大多数检查的卵鞘中观察到节肢动物的混合物种聚集。在大多数所收集卵囊的观察到的节肢动物列举如下:蚂蚁,举腹麦(蚁科:Crematogastrini); 一种模仿蜘蛛蚂蚁,Synageles persianus(Salticidae:Dendryphantini);寄生蜂,Podagrion pachymerum (Chalcidoidea: Toryminae);一种假蝎子物种,Chernes sp。(切尔内蒂尼科:切尔内蒂尼);一种缨翅目,Haplotthrips sp。(Phlaeothripidae: Haplothripini) 和神经翅目物种Semidalis sp。(Coniopterygidae: Conwentziini)。
