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Preliminary suicide trends during the COVID-19 pandemic in Milan, Italy
Journal of Psychiatric Research ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.08.029
Raffaella Calati 1 , Guendalina Gentile 2 , Michele Fornaro 3 , Stefano Tambuzzi 2 , Riccardo Zoja 2

Europe was the second most affected continent by the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, with Italy paying very high death tolls, especially in Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy. The pandemic profoundly impacted mental health and the world's rates of suicide since its outbreak. COVID-19-related suicide rates nonetheless followed a non-linear trend over the pandemic, decreasing after the COVID-19 outbreak, then raising during an extended follow-up period. Thus, we aimed to further assess the suicide rates in Lombardy. We carried out a retrospective analysis of all the autopsies performed in the year 2020 and within the first four months of the year 2021 through the database of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Milan. In the year 2020, the recorded suicides decreased in comparison to 2016-2019 (21.19-22.97% of the autopsies), being 98 (18.08% out of 542 autopsies), while, in the first 4 months of the year 2021, 35 suicides were documented (185 autopsies, overall). Since the region of Lombardy was severely affected by COVID-19 since the early months of the year 2020, the extended retrospective follow-up allowed for firmer conclusions and insights about the need to extend the follow-up of COVID-19 pandemic beyond the first months after the outbreak, worldwide. This is with special emphasis towards the need to allocate the proper funds for mental health prevention for the general population as well as the most vulnerable ones, such as people with severe mental illness and caregivers, frontline health workers, and others bereaved by COVID-19.


意大利米兰 COVID-19 大流行期间的初步自杀趋势

欧洲是受 2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行影响第二大的大陆,意大利的死亡人数非常高,尤其是在意大利北部的伦巴第大区。这场大流行病自爆发以来对心理健康和世界自杀率产生了深远影响。尽管如此,与 COVID-19 相关的自杀率在大流行期间呈非线性趋势,在 COVID-19 爆发后下降,然后在延长的随访期内上升。因此,我们旨在进一步评估伦巴第大区的自杀率。我们通过米兰法医学研究所的数据库,对 2020 年和 2021 年前四个月内进行的所有尸检进行了回顾性分析。与 2016-2019 年相比,2020 年记录的自杀人数有所减少(占尸检的 21.19-22.97%),98 例(542 例尸检中的 18.08%),而在 2021 年的前 4 个月,记录了 35 例自杀事件(总共 185 例尸检)。由于伦巴第大区自 2020 年初以来受到 COVID-19 的严重影响,因此延长的回顾性随访可以得出更坚定的结论和见解,即有必要将 COVID-19 大流行的随访延长到第一次之后爆发几个月后,全世界。这特别强调需要为普通人群和最弱势群体(例如患有严重精神疾病的人和护理人员、一线卫生工作者以及其他因 COVID-19 失去亲人的人)分配适当的心理健康预防资金. 全面的)。由于伦巴第大区自 2020 年初以来受到 COVID-19 的严重影响,因此延长的回顾性随访可以得出更坚定的结论和见解,即有必要将 COVID-19 大流行的随访延长到第一次之后爆发几个月后,全世界。这特别强调需要为普通人群和最弱势群体(例如患有严重精神疾病的人和护理人员、一线卫生工作者以及其他因 COVID-19 失去亲人的人)分配适当的心理健康预防资金. 全面的)。由于伦巴第大区自 2020 年初以来受到 COVID-19 的严重影响,因此延长的回顾性随访可以得出更坚定的结论和见解,即有必要将 COVID-19 大流行的随访延长到第一次之后爆发几个月后,全世界。这特别强调需要为普通人群和最弱势群体(例如患有严重精神疾病的人和护理人员、一线卫生工作者以及其他因 COVID-19 失去亲人的人)分配适当的心理健康预防资金. 扩展的回顾性随访可以得出更坚定的结论和见解,即需要将 COVID-19 大流行的随访时间延长到全球爆发后的头几个月之后。这特别强调需要为普通人群和最弱势群体(例如患有严重精神疾病的人和护理人员、一线卫生工作者以及其他因 COVID-19 失去亲人的人)分配适当的心理健康预防资金. 扩展的回顾性随访可以得出更坚定的结论和见解,即需要将 COVID-19 大流行的随访时间延长到全球爆发后的头几个月之后。这特别强调需要为普通人群和最弱势群体(例如患有严重精神疾病的人和护理人员、一线卫生工作者以及其他因 COVID-19 失去亲人的人)分配适当的心理健康预防资金.
