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Engaging dog trainers in a city-wide roll-out of koala aversion skill enhancement: a social marketing program
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management ( IF 2.617 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1080/14486563.2021.1944344
Jessica A. Harris 1 , Sharyn Rundle-Thiele 1 , Patricia David 1 , Bo Pang 1


Koalas are an Australian icon, and their existence is under threat. Environmental protection efforts that centre on people are needed, ensuring the human dimension is considered in conservation efforts aiming to protect wildlife. This article reports process and outcome evaluation results for a social marketing program that aimed to reduce dog and koala interactions. This project aimed to leverage pilot study outcomes. Specifically, the program sought to embed koala aversion (the ability for a dog to avoid koalas) skills within one local government area. A total of 2013 dog owners were surveyed to assess program outcomes, with improved dog abilities observed following city-wide program implementation. Further evidence of program success was indicated in the process evaluation. Dog trainers and dog owners were satisfied, willing to recommend the program to other people, and they were willing to attend events in future. Lessons learned, implications, limitations of the current study and future directions are outlined.




考拉是澳大利亚的象征,它们的存在受到威胁。需要以人为中心的环境保护工作,确保在旨在保护野生动物的保护工作中考虑到人的因素。本文报告了旨在减少狗和考拉互动的社会营销计划的过程和结果评估结果。该项目旨在利用试点研究成果。具体来说,该计划试图在一个地方政府区域内嵌入厌恶考拉(狗避开考拉的能力)的技能。共有 2013 名狗主人接受了调查以评估计划结果,在全市计划实施后观察到狗的能力有所提高。过程评估中显示了计划成功的进一步证据。狗训练师和狗主人都很满意,愿意向其他人推荐该计划,并且他们愿意在未来参加活动。概述了当前研究的经验教训、影响、局限性和未来方向。
