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Taking Roll: College Students’ Views of Their Formerly Incarcerated Classmates
Journal of Criminal Justice Education ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-23 , DOI: 10.1080/10511253.2021.1962932
James M. Binnall 1 , Christine Scott-Hayward 1 , Nick Petersen 2 , Ruby M. Gonzalez 1


For those with a criminal history, higher education can facilitate successful reentry and desistance from crime. Still, a number of obstacles discourage the pursuit of higher education by the formerly incarcerated. One such obstacle is the prevalence of stigmatization and discrimination toward those with criminal justice system involvement on college campuses. Nonetheless, there is a lack of research on how college students conceive of their formerly incarcerated counterparts, leaving those with a criminal history to wonder about the prejudices and biases they may encounter once enrolled. Drawing on a random sample of 185 respondents, this study explores the attitudes of undergraduate students toward their formerly incarcerated classmates. Findings reveal that students who have had frequent, close contact with the formerly incarcerated are more likely to express favorable views of that population, supporting prior research suggesting that proximity can mitigate negative views of stigmatized populations.




对于那些有犯罪历史的人,高等教育可以促进成功的再入和停止犯罪。尽管如此,一些障碍阻碍了以前被监禁的人追求高等教育。其中一个障碍是对那些在大学校园参与刑事司法系统的人普遍存在污名和歧视。尽管如此,缺乏关于大学生如何设想他们以前被监禁的同龄人的研究,让那些有犯罪历史的人想知道他们一旦入学可能会遇到的偏见和偏见。本研究随机抽取 185 名受访者样本,探讨本科生对以前被监禁的同学的态度。调查结果显示,经常参加的学生,
