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Predictors of knowledge and use of long-lasting insecticidal nets for the prevention of malaria among the pregnant women in Pakistan
Malaria Journal ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03878-w
Ramesh Kumar 1, 2 , Midhat Farzeen 1 , Jamil Ahmed 3 , Manohar Lal 1 , Ratana Somrongthong 2

Malaria is endemic to Pakistan with high prevalence among pregnant women and linked with maternal anaemia, intrauterine growth retardation, preterm birth, and low birth weight. The use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) is a proven and cost-effective intervention preventing malaria among pregnant women. The present study aimed to explore predictors of knowledge and use of LLINs among pregnant women in Pakistan. This was part of a quasi-experimental study of 200 pregnant women conducted in a rural district of Sindh province in Pakistan. Data were collected using Malaria Indicator Survey questionnaires developed by Roll Back Malaria Partnership to end Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group. Pregnant women and mothers with newborns of six months of age were interviewed in their homes. The age of the women was from 18 to 45, two thirds of the respondents (72.5%) were uneducated and married (77%). Majority (92%) of the women had received antenatal care during pregnancy, and 29.5% women had received counseling on malaria during their antenatal care visits. Multiple linear regression showed that the type of latrine was the most significant (β = 0.285, p < 0.001) determinant of knowledge about malaria among pregnant women followed by the death of a newborn (β = 0.271, p < 0.001). The use of mobile phone was the most significant (β = 0.247, p < 0.001) predictor of usage of LLINs among pregnant women followed by the death of a newborn (β = 0.232, p < 0.05). Maternal education, type of latrine, use of mobile phone, malaria during previous pregnancy and newborn death were strong predictors of knowledge and use of LLINs in pregnant women in Pakistan. There is a need to scale-up programmes that aim to create awareness regarding malaria among pregnant women. Mobile phone technology can be used to implement awareness programmes focusing on malaria prevention among women.



疟疾是巴基斯坦的地方病,孕妇中的流行率很高,并且与孕妇贫血、宫内发育迟缓、早产和低出生体重有关。使用长效杀虫蚊帐 (LLIN) 是一种行之有效且具有成本效益的干预措施,可预防孕妇感染疟疾。本研究旨在探讨巴基斯坦孕妇对 LLIN 的了解和使用的预测因素。这是在巴基斯坦信德省农村地区对 200 名孕妇进行的准实验研究的一部分。数据是使用由减少疟疾伙伴关系开发的疟疾指标调查问卷收集的,以结束疟疾监测和评估参考小组。孕妇和有六个月大新生儿的母亲在家中接受了采访。这些女性的年龄从 18 岁到 45 岁,三分之二的受访者 (72.5%) 未受过教育且已婚 (77%)。大多数 (92%) 妇女在怀孕期间接受过产前保健,29.5% 的妇女在产前保健就诊期间接受了疟疾咨询。多元线性回归表明,厕所的类型是最重要的(β = 0.285,p < 0.001)决定孕妇疟疾知识的决定因素,其次是新生儿死亡(β = 0.271,p < 0.001)。手机的使用是孕妇使用 LLIN 的最显着预测因子(β = 0.247,p < 0.001),其次是新生儿死亡(β = 0.232,p < 0.05)。产妇教育、厕所类型、移动电话的使用、之前怀孕期间的疟疾和新生儿死亡是巴基斯坦孕妇了解和使用 LLIN 的有力预测因素。需要扩大旨在提高孕妇对疟疾认识的计划。移动电话技术可用于实施以妇女预防疟疾为重点的宣传计划。