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A revised terrace stratigraphy and chronology for the early Middle Pleistocene Bytham River in the Breckland of East Anglia, UK
Quaternary Science Reviews ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107113
Simon G. Lewis 1 , Nick Ashton 2 , Rob Davis 1, 2 , Marcus Hatch 1 , Peter G. Hoare 1, 2 , Pierre Voinchet 3 , Jean-Jacques Bahain 3

The Bytham River was one of the major pre-Anglian (MIS 12) rivers of eastern England. Flowing from the Midlands to the East Anglian coast, it has been recognised at numerous sites by its distinctive lithological suite, containing significant quantities of quartzite, quartz and Carboniferous chert that originate from central England. In the Breckland of Suffolk and Norfolk, deposits of the Bytham River can be identified at 26 sites by this distinctive clast lithological composition. These sediments, referred to as the Ingham Formation, consist of a series of sand and gravel aggradations, which due to their differences in elevation can be interpreted as at least four early Middle Pleistocene terrace remnants of the former river, and a final phase of deposition along the river valley prior to its destruction. This paper reports on recent fieldwork at six of these sites, which through stratigraphic and lithological analyses, together with new Electron Spin Resonance age estimates, contribute to a revised geological framework for the Bytham River as represented in the Breckland. These sites can be attributed to the four lowest fluvial aggradations, with the lowest and youngest of these aggradations shown to be early Anglian in age. The river was subsequently overrun by Anglian ice during Marine Isotope Stage 12. This revised geological and chronological interpretation provides an important framework for understanding the Lower Palaeolithic artefacts that have been found within these gravel aggradations, and contributes to the understanding of the human occupation of north-west Europe during the early Middle Pleistocene.



拜瑟姆河是英格兰东部主要的前盎格鲁 (MIS 12) 河流之一。它从中部流向东盎格利亚海岸,以其独特的岩性套件在众多地点得到认可,其中包含大量源自英格兰中部的石英岩、石英和石炭纪燧石。在萨福克和诺福克的布雷克兰,可以通过这种独特的碎屑岩性成分在 26 个地点识别出拜瑟姆河的沉积物。这些沉积物被称为 Ingham 组,由一系列砂砾石堆积物组成,由于它们的海拔差异,可以解释为前河至少有四个早中更新世阶地残余物,以及沉积的最后阶段沿河谷在它被毁坏之前。本文报告了最近在其中六个地点的实地工作,通过地层和岩性分析,连同新的电子自旋共振年龄估计,有助于修正以布雷克兰为代表的拜瑟姆河的地质框架。这些地点可归因于四个最低的河流积聚,这些积聚中最低和最年轻的显示为早期盎格鲁。随后,在海洋同位素第 12 阶段,这条河被盎格鲁冰覆盖。这一修订后的地质和年代学解释为了解在这些砾石堆积中发现的旧石器时代下游文物提供了重要框架,并有助于了解人类对北部的占领-中更新世早期的西欧。通过地层学和岩性分析,加上新的电子自旋共振年龄估计,有助于修正以 Breckland 为代表的 Bytham 河的地质框架。这些地点可归因于四个最低的河流积聚,这些积聚中最低和最年轻的显示为早期盎格鲁。随后,在海洋同位素第 12 阶段,这条河被盎格鲁冰覆盖。这一修订后的地质和年代学解释为了解在这些砾石堆积中发现的旧石器时代下游文物提供了重要框架,并有助于了解人类对北部的占领-中更新世早期的西欧。通过地层学和岩性分析,加上新的电子自旋共振年龄估计,有助于修正以 Breckland 为代表的 Bytham 河的地质框架。这些地点可归因于四个最低的河流积聚,这些积聚中最低和最年轻的显示为早盎格鲁时代。随后,在海洋同位素第 12 阶段,这条河被盎格鲁冰覆盖。这一修订后的地质和年代学解释为了解在这些砾石堆积中发现的旧石器时代下游文物提供了重要框架,并有助于了解人类对北部的占领-中更新世早期的西欧。为布雷克兰所代表的拜瑟姆河的修订地质框架做出贡献。这些地点可归因于四个最低的河流积聚,这些积聚中最低和最年轻的显示为早期盎格鲁。随后,在海洋同位素第 12 阶段,这条河被盎格鲁冰覆盖。这一修订后的地质和年代学解释为了解在这些砾石堆积中发现的旧石器时代下游文物提供了重要框架,并有助于了解人类对北部的占领-中更新世早期的西欧。为布雷克兰所代表的拜瑟姆河的修订地质框架做出贡献。这些地点可归因于四个最低的河流积聚,这些积聚中最低和最年轻的显示为早期盎格鲁。随后,在海洋同位素第 12 阶段,这条河被盎格鲁冰覆盖。这一修订后的地质和年代学解释为了解在这些砾石堆积中发现的旧石器时代下游文物提供了重要框架,并有助于了解人类对北部的占领-中更新世早期的西欧。这些加成中最低和最年轻的表明是早期的盎格鲁人。随后,在海洋同位素第 12 阶段,这条河被盎格鲁冰覆盖。这一修订后的地质和年代学解释为了解在这些砾石堆积中发现的旧石器时代下游文物提供了重要框架,并有助于了解人类对北部的占领-中更新世早期的西欧。这些加成中最低和最年轻的表明是早期的盎格鲁人。随后,在海洋同位素第 12 阶段,这条河被盎格鲁冰覆盖。这一修订后的地质和年代学解释为了解在这些砾石堆积中发现的旧石器时代下游文物提供了重要框架,并有助于了解人类对北部的占领-中更新世早期的西欧。
