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Evaluation of helicopter net-gunning to capture wild fallow deer (Dama dama)
Wildlife Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-20 , DOI: 10.1071/wr21007
Andrew J. Bengsen , Jordan O. Hampton , Sébastien Comte , Sean Freney , David M. Forsyth

Context: Safe and effective capture methods are crucial for improving our understanding and management of many wildlife species. The adaptation of established capture methods to novel situations requires critical evaluation because differences in environmental conditions and species’ susceptibility to trauma and capture myopathy can produce unexpected outcomes. Helicopter net-gunning has been a valuable tool for capturing wild deer in New Zealand and the Americas, but there are no practical records of its use in Australia and only one report of it being used to capture three fallow deer (Dama dama) elsewhere.

Aims: The present study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a helicopter-based net-gun capture technique for wild fallow deer by quantifying the efficacy of the technique and the frequency of injuries and deaths.

Methods: We captured fallow deer over two 3-day operations at a 135 km2 site in eastern Australia. We collected data on operational efficiency and variables expected to affect animal health and welfare, such as injuries and the duration of stressful procedures. We used GPS tracking collars with an accelerometer and a mortality-sensing function to monitor post-release survival and activity of fallow deer.

Key results: In total, 127 deer were targeted for capture, with nets fired at 64 deer (50%) and 27 deer captured (21%). Mortality within 30 days of capture was zero. Mean chase time was 2 min 46 s and mean total time from start of chase until release was 11 min 19 s. No animals were severely injured or euthanased, but hyperthermia was observed in 33% of captured animals.

Conclusions: Helicopter net-gunning was an effective and safe method for capturing wild fallow deer when compared with alternative methods.

Implications: We recommend that researchers consider using helicopter net-gunning to capture fallow deer in Australia and elsewhere, and other deer species in Australia.


直升机网炮捕捉野生小鹿(Dama dama)的评价

背景:安全有效的捕获方法对于提高我们对许多野生动物物种的理解和管理至关重要。已建立的捕获方法对新情况的适应需要严格评估,因为环境条件和物种对创伤和捕获肌病的易感性的差异会产生意想不到的结果。在新西兰和美洲,直升机捕网一直是捕捉野鹿的重要工具,但在澳大利亚没有实际使用记录,只有一份报告表明它在其他地方被用来捕捉三只小鹿 ( Dama dama )。


方法:我们在澳大利亚东部一个 135 公里2 的地点通过两次为期 3 天的行动捕获了休耕鹿。我们收集了有关操作效率和预计会影响动物健康和福利的变量的数据,例如伤害和压力过程的持续时间。我们使用带有加速度计和死亡率感应功能的 GPS 跟踪项圈来监测休耕鹿的释放后存活率和活动。

主要结果:总共有 127 只鹿被列为目标,其中 64 只鹿(50%)和 27 只鹿被捕获(21%)。捕获后 30 天内的死亡率为零。平均追逐时间为 2 分 46 秒,从追逐开始到释放的平均总时间为 11 分 19 秒。没有动物受到严重伤害或被安乐死,但在 33% 的捕获动物中观察到体温过高。


