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Spatial and temporal variations in particulate organic carbon in Indonesian waters over two decades
Marine and Freshwater Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-17 , DOI: 10.1071/mf20264
Karlina Triana , A'an Johan Wahyudi , Naoko Murakami-Sugihara , Hiroshi Ogawa

Particulate organic carbon (POC) is one of the essential variables in oceanic biogeochemical processes. Assessing the spatiotemporal variability of POC will help deepen our understanding of the carbon cycle. In this study we collected moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua satellite data for surface POC in Indonesian waters during the period 2002–21, together with in situ data from the south-western Sumatran waters (SSW), Sunda Strait, Sumba–Savu waters and the Halmahera Sea and surrounds. These data were analysed to gain an understanding of the spatial and temporal variations in POC. Generally, high POC concentrations in Indonesian waters were found at coastal and continental shelves connected to the estuaries of large rivers; we assume that the POC concentrations in these areas are affected by terrestrial input. Meanwhile, in Indonesian waters apart from these estuaries, marine-derived materials are the main components of POC. The seasonal pattern of POC in Indonesian waters generally shows highest levels during the south-east monsoon and lowest levels during the north-west monsoon. Trends in POC concentrations are positively correlated with chlorophyll-a and negatively correlated with sea surface temperature. This study suggests that the combination of natural physicochemical processes and anthropogenic perturbations has significant effects on spatial and temporal variations in POC in Indonesian waters.


印度尼西亚水域中颗粒有机碳的时空变化 20 多年来

颗粒有机碳 (POC) 是海洋生物地球化学过程中的重要变量之一。评估 POC 的时空变异性将有助于加深我们对碳循环的理解。在这项研究中,我们收集了 2002-21 年期间印度尼西亚水域表面 POC 的中分辨率成像光谱仪 (MODIS) Aqua 卫星数据,以及原位来自苏门答腊西南部水域 (SSW)、巽他海峡、松巴-萨武水域和哈马黑拉海及周边地区的数据。分析这些数据以了解 POC 的空间和时间变化。一般来说,在与大河入海口相连的沿海和大陆架上发现印度尼西亚水域的高浓度 POC;我们假设这些地区的 POC 浓度受陆地输入的影响。同时,在除这些河口之外的印度尼西亚水域,海洋衍生材料是 POC 的主要成分。印度尼西亚水域 POC 的季节性模式通常在东南季风期间最高,在西北季风期间最低。POC 浓度的趋势与叶绿素a呈正相关且与海面温度呈负相关。这项研究表明,自然物理化学过程和人为扰动的结合对印度尼西亚水域 POC 的时空变化具有显着影响。
