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Signal integration in forward and reverse neutrophil migration: Fundamentals and emerging mechanisms.
Current opinion in cell biology Pub Date : 2021-08-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ceb.2021.07.002
Briana Rocha-Gregg 1 , Anna Huttenlocher 2

Neutrophils migrate to sites of tissue damage, where they protect the host against pathogens. Often, the cost of these neutrophil defenses is collateral damage to healthy tissues. Thus, the immune system has evolved multiple mechanisms to regulate neutrophil migration. One of these mechanisms is reverse migration - the process whereby neutrophils leave the source of inflammation. In vivo, neutrophils arrive and depart the wound simultaneously - indicating that neutrophils dynamically integrate conflicting signals to engage in forward and reverse migration. This finding is seemingly at odds with the established chemoattractant hierarchy in vitro, which places wound-derived signals at the top. Here we will discuss recent work that has uncovered key players involved in retaining and dispersing neutrophils from wounds. These findings offer the opportunity to integrate established and emerging mechanisms into a holistic model for neutrophil migration in vivo.


