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Evaluating the Impact of Recreational Harvest and Management Strategies for Bay Scallops Argopecten irradians concentricus in a Florida Gulf Coast Management Zone
Marine and Coastal Fisheries ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-19 , DOI: 10.1002/mcf2.10161
J. Granneman 1 , C. Baxley 1 , M. Bollinger 1 , A. Heil 2 , M. LaGanke 1 , E. Levine 1 , W. Pearson 1 , E. Pudlak 3 , K. Williams 1

Since 1994, the fishery for bay scallops Argopecten irradians concentricus in Florida has been limited to a recreational fishery that operates during the summer, before the spawning season in fall. Recent growth of the fishery necessitates a study of the effect of this increased exploitation on the bay scallop population. The study focused on one management zone, centered on the community of Steinhatchee, that is known for high rates of exploitation. Within this zone, we created a model of bay scallop harvest using fishery-independent and fishery-dependent survey methods and evaluated the risk of extirpation of the stock. We found that the fishery in the zone functions as a derby, with most harvest effort occurring when the season opens, followed by a steady decline throughout the season. Effort estimates suggest that 21,579 vessels, or 82,398 people, from 94% of Florida’s counties and 16 other states participated in the 2018 season in the Steinhatchee zone. The influx of harvesters generated approximately US$1.8 million in revenue for this small coastal community and resulted in an estimated fishing mortality of 57–72% of the population in the zone. The exploitation rate of the fishery in 2018 exceeded 0.4, suggesting that the fishery may be unable to sustain itself under current conditions. We evaluated management strategies and found that the bay scallop population in this zone would be in danger of being extirpated if harvest effort doubled, suggesting the need for regular monitoring of effort in this fishery in this zone and probably in the fishery statewide.


评估佛罗里达州墨西哥湾沿岸管理区海湾扇贝 Argopecten irradians concentricus 的休闲收获和管理策略的影响

自 1994 年以来,海湾扇贝Argopecten irradians concentricus的渔业佛罗里达州仅限于在秋季产卵季节之前在夏季经营的休闲渔业。最近渔业的增长需要研究这种增加的开发对海湾扇贝种群的影响。该研究集中在一个以 Steinhatchee 社区为中心的管理区域,该区域以高剥削率而闻名。在该区域内,我们使用独立于渔业和依赖渔业的调查方法创建了海湾扇贝收获模型,并评估了种群灭绝的风险。我们发现该地区的渔业起到了德比战的作用,大部分收获工作发生在季节开始时,然后在整个季节稳步下降。努力估计表明,21,579 艘船,或 82,398 人,来自佛罗里达州 94% 的县和其他 16 个州的人在 Steinhatchee 区参加了 2018 赛季。收割机的涌入为这个沿海小社区带来了大约 180 万美元的收入,并导致该地区 57-72% 的人口捕捞死亡。2018年渔业开发率超过0.4,表明渔业在目前条件下可能无法自给自足。我们评估了管理策略,发现如果捕捞努力量加倍,该地区的海湾扇贝种群将面临灭绝的危险,这表明需要定期监测该地区渔业和全州渔业的努力。这个小型沿海社区的收入为 800 万,导致该地区人口的估计捕鱼死亡率为 57-72%。2018年渔业开发率超过0.4,表明渔业在目前条件下可能无法自给自足。我们评估了管理策略,发现如果捕捞努力量加倍,该地区的海湾扇贝种群将面临灭绝的危险,这表明需要定期监测该地区渔业和全州渔业的努力。这个小型沿海社区的收入为 800 万,导致该地区人口的估计捕鱼死亡率为 57-72%。2018年渔业开发率超过0.4,表明渔业在目前条件下可能无法自给自足。我们评估了管理策略,发现如果捕捞努力量加倍,该地区的海湾扇贝种群将面临灭绝的危险,这表明需要定期监测该地区渔业和全州渔业的努力。