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Attitudes of patients with severe mental illness towards COVID-19 vaccinations: A preliminary report from a public psychiatric hospital
Journal of Psychiatric Research ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.08.020
Renana Danenberg 1 , Sharon Shemesh 2 , Dana Tzur Bitan 3 , Hagai Maoz 1 , Talia Saker 1 , Chen Dror 1 , Libi Hertzberg 1 , Yuval Bloch 1


As patients with severe mental illness are at increased risk for COVID-19 mortality, the issue of willingness to be vaccinated is of extreme importance.


During February 2021 Shalvata Mental Health hospital provided Covid-19 vaccines to its patients. Fifty one patients suffering from severe mental illness, out of 196 patients hospitalized in closed, open or day wards during that period, signed the informed consent and were assessed for their clinical condition (OQ-45), fear of Covid-19 (FCV-19S) and approach to the vaccine (C19-VHS). All patients who were not vaccinated in February 2021 (baseline) were re-approached a month later to assess whether they had gotten vaccinated since.


Patients who were not vaccinated at baseline had an oppositional approach to the vaccine, and did not significantly differ in their fear of Covid-19 levels or in levels of clinical severity (t(49) = 2.51, p = 0.02) from those who were vaccinated. From the 29 patients who were not vaccinated at baseline approach to the vaccine was a good predictor to getting vaccinated after one month (79% positive predictive value).


The majority of patients suffering from a severe mental illness are willing to get vaccinated, and their decision of whether or not to get vaccinated is based on their viewpoint on the vaccine rather than being an outcome of their level of distress (OQ-45). It is important to allow vaccine accessibility to hospitalized patients, to consider their opinions and to provide useful information to lower vaccine hesitancy and improve vaccination rates.


严重精神疾病患者对 COVID-19 疫苗接种的态度:来自公立精神病院的初步报告


由于患有严重精神疾病的患者发生 COVID-19 死亡的风险增加,因此接种疫苗的意愿问题极为重要。


2021 年 2 月,Shalvata 心理健康医院为其患者提供了 Covid-19 疫苗。在此期间在封闭式、开放式或日间病房住院的 196 名患者中,有 51 名患有严重精神疾病的患者签署了知情同意书并评估了他们的临床状况 (OQ-45)、对 Covid-19 的恐惧 (FCV- 19S)和疫苗方法(C19-VHS)。所有在 2021 年 2 月(基线)未接种疫苗的患者在一个月后再次接受检查,以评估他们此后是否接种了疫苗。


在基线时未接种疫苗的患者对疫苗持反对态度,他们对 Covid-19 水平的恐惧或临床严重程度(t(49) = 2.51,p = 0.02)与那些接种疫苗的患者没有显着差异。接种了疫苗。在基线时未接种疫苗的 29 名患者中,疫苗是一个月后接种疫苗的良好预测因子(79% 阳性预测值)。


大多数患有严重精神疾病的患者愿意接种疫苗,他们决定是否接种疫苗是基于他们对疫苗的看法,而不是他们的痛苦程度的结果 (OQ-45)。重要的是让住院患者可以使用疫苗,考虑他们的意见并提供有用的信息,以降低疫苗的犹豫和提高疫苗接种率。
