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Surveys on gender issues among anaesthesiologists: where do we go from here?
Journal of Gender Studies ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-19 , DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2021.1969225
Marko Zdravkovic 1, 2 , Vojislava Neskovic 3, 4 , Joana Berger-Estilita 5


We discuss common findings of the two most recent surveys on gender issues among anaesthesiologists. One survey was conducted in Europe and the other included respondents from 111 countries worldwide. With almost 15,000 combined respondents, these are the largest surveys to date in the field and the key overlapping findings must be pointed out. Women anaesthesiologists do aspire to leadership roles while facing multiple sources of gender discrimination present at their workplace. Yet, encouragingly, the discrimination towards women anaesthesiologists is perceived to be decreasing. One major feature is the difference in the lifestyles of women and men anaesthesiologists, in particular, when they consider starting a family. In Europe, anaesthesiologists who are men are twice as likely to have children than anaesthesiologists who are women. Globally the former group are 1.4 times more likely than the latter group to have children. While surveys do raise awareness of gender equity and help build the framework for interventions to establish equal opportunities, active approaches are needed in practice. The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care recently established its Gender Equity Committee with the aim of fuelling activities that improve the gender gap in this profession.




我们讨论了最近两次麻醉医师性别问题调查的共同发现。一项调查在欧洲进行,另一项调查包括来自全球 111 个国家的受访者。这些调查共有近 15,000 名受访者,是该领域迄今为止规模最大的调查,必须指出关键的重叠调查结果。女性麻醉师确实渴望担任领导角色,同时面临工作场所存在的多种性别歧视。然而,令人鼓舞的是,人们认为对女性麻醉师的歧视正在减少。一个主要特征是女性和男性麻醉师的生活方式不同,特别是在他们考虑组建家庭时。在欧洲,男性麻醉师生孩子的可能性是女性麻醉师的两倍。在全球范围内,前者生育子女的可能性是后者的 1.4 倍。虽然调查确实提高了对性别平等的认识,并有助于建立干预框架以建立平等机会,但在实践中需要采取积极的方法。欧洲麻醉学和重症监护学会最近成立了性别平等委员会,旨在推动改善该行业性别差距的活动。
