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Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of potato spindle tuber viroid and chrysanthemum stunt viroid isolates in Russia
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-021-02339-z
Yosuke Matsushita 1 , Hironobu Yanagisawa 2 , Yasuo Ohto 2 , Aleksandr Khiutti 3 , Nina Mironenko 3 , Olga Afanasenko 3

To investigate the current status of viroid infection in potato fields in Russia, potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and chrysanthemum stunt viroid (CSVd) were detected in potato (Solanum tuberosum) and S. nigrum plants growing in the Volga (V), North-Western (NW), and Far Eastern (FE) federal districts in Russia. While both PSTVd and CSVd were detected in potato samples from the V and FE regions, only CSVd was detected in potato samples from NW. CSVd was detected in S. nigrum from FE, and this was the first detection of CSVd in S. nigrum. Analysis of the complete genomes of 30 PSTVd and 10 CSVd variants revealed that 5 and 7 PSTVd variants from V and FE, respectively, and 2, 4, and 3 CSVd variants from V, NW, and FE, respectively, were new. Analysis of the infectivity of and symptoms caused by 15 Russian PSTVd isolates in tomato revealed that 14 PSTVd isolates caused intermediate or severe symptoms, and only FP14 caused mild symptoms. Our survey revealed that most of the Russian PSTVd isolates from V and FE caused intermediate symptoms in tomato, and the genome sequences were identical to that of PSTVd isolated from S. demissum. Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of the Russian PSTVd variants showed their close relationship to previously studied PSTVd isolates, suggesting that most strains in Russia have not substantially changed genetically, but have widely spread in potato fields.



为了调查俄罗斯马铃薯田中类病毒感染的现状,在俄罗斯北部伏尔加河 (V) 的马铃薯 ( Solanum tuberosum ) 和S. nigrum植物中检测到了马铃薯纺锤体块茎类病毒 (PSTVd) 和菊花矮化类病毒 (CSVd) - 俄罗斯的西部 (NW) 和远东 (FE) 联邦区。虽然在来自 V 和 FE 区域的马铃薯样品中检测到 PSTVd 和 CSVd,但在来自 NW 的马铃薯样品中仅检测到 CSVd。来自 FE 的S. nigrum中检测到 CSVd ,这是首次在S. nigrum 中检测到 CSVd. 对 30 个 PSTVd 和 10 个 CSVd 变体的完整基因组分析表明,分别来自 V 和 FE 的 5 个和 7 个 PSTVd 变体,以及分别来自 V、NW 和 FE 的 2、4 和 3 个 CSVd 变体是新的。对番茄中 15 株俄罗斯 PSTVd 分离株的传染性和症状分析表明,14 株 PSTVd 分离株引起中度或重度症状,只有 FP14 引起轻度症状。我们的调查显示,大多数来自 V 和 FE 的俄罗斯 PSTVd 分离株在番茄中引起中间症状,并且基因组序列与从S. demissum分离的 PSTVd 的基因组序列相同 俄罗斯 PSTVd 变体核苷酸序列的系统发育分析表明它们与先前研究的 PSTVd 分离株密切相关,这表明俄罗斯的大多数菌株在遗传上没有发生实质性变化,但已在马铃薯田中广泛传播。
