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Examining Guardian and Warrior Orientations Across Racial and Ethnic Lines
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11896-020-09427-6
Stacey Clifton , Jose Torres , James Hawdon

With research tending to suggest that officers are psychologically oriented to one ideological side of the policing spectrum, the buy-in to a hybrid orientation involving both guardian and warrior orientations among patrol officers remains understudied and undertheorized. The purpose of this pilot study is to test whether the guardian and warrior orientation can coexist by examining whether the warrior orientation is predictive of the guardian orientation among patrol officers. Moreover, tests are conducted to assess whether the coexistence of warrior and guardian orientations varies across White and non-White patrol officers. OLS regressions were conducted utilizing an online sample of patrol officers (n = 882) pooled from nationally recognized website, PoliceOne.com. Results showed that warrior and guardian orientations are not mutually exclusive. Specifically, officers who are more supportive of aggressively enforcing the law are more supportive of the guardian orientation. However, we find evidence that Hispanic and Latino/a patrol officers are more supportive of this hybrid style of policing than White officers.



由于研究倾向于表明警官在心理上倾向于警务光谱的一个意识形态方面,因此巡逻人员对包括监护人和战士取向的混合取向的认同仍未得到充分研究和理论化。这项试点研究的目的是通过检查战士取向是否可以预测巡逻人员的监护人取向来测试监护人和战士取向是否可以共存。此外,还进行了测试以评估白人和非白人巡逻人员的战士和监护人方向的共存是否有所不同。OLS 回归是利用巡逻人员的在线样本进行的 ( n = 882) 来自国家认可的网站 PoliceOne.com。结果表明,战士和守护者的取向并不相互排斥。具体而言,更支持积极执法的官员更支持监护人取向。然而,我们发现有证据表明西班牙裔和拉丁裔/a 巡逻人员比白人警官更支持这种混合警务方式。
