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Origin of the intense positive and moderate negative atmospheric electric field variations measured during and after Antarctic blizzards
Atmospheric Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105812
Yasuhiro Minamoto 1 , Masashi Kamogawa 1, 2 , Akira Kadokura 3 , Satoshi Omiya 4 , Naohiko Hirasawa 3 , Mitsuteru Sato 5

There is an atmospheric electric field (AEF) or an electric potential gradient (PG) in fair weather between the Earth's surface and the mesosphere/ionosphere, which is positive. During blizzards/snowstorms in the polar regions, an intense positive AEF/PG in the order of 103 V/m of the same polarity in fair weather was observed using an electric field mill at 1.4 m in height. In contrast, a moderately negative AEF/PG variation after a blizzard was observed in 2015 at Syowa Station, Antarctica. The negative variation, where the magnitude ranged from tens to hundreds of V/m, gradually recovered into the positive AEF/PG for more than 40 min. According to various studies on blowing/drifting snow dynamics and electricity in laboratory experiments and field observations, snow particles colliding with the snow surface are charged, and the charge of suspended and saltating particles during the snowstorm is negative on average. To verify the AEF/PG observed during and after the blizzards, we numerically estimated the electric field surrounding the conductive sensor unit of the electric field mill using a three-dimensional Poisson equation. Under blizzard conditions, the polarity of the estimated AEF/PG was the opposite of that of the observed AEF/PG. From the noise study of the field mill, we deduced that the positive AEF/PG variations were caused by the collision of negatively charged snow particles with the electric probe on the sensor unit. Just after the blizzard, the number of snow particles measured at 4.4 m in height clearly decreased, and the camera image showed clear visibility. From this evidence, we modeled the suspended and saltating negatively charged snow particles that had fallen onto the ground surface and then constructed a charge layer of the snow particles softly attaching to the ground, which slowly discharged following the study on the electrical resistance of the powders. The three-dimensional Poisson calculation based on the model reproduced a moderately negative AEF/PG. Thus, we elucidated that the origins of the intense positive and moderate negative electric fields during and after blizzards are the charged snow particles colliding with the electric probe on the sensor unit and the negative snow layers softly attached to the ground, respectively. These results are applicable to studies on dust storm electrification on Mars' and Earth's deserts, snowstorm electrification in the polar regions, and high mountains, such as Mt. Fuji in Japan, and turbulent electrification for industrial dust, which provides the identification of intense electrification and storms.



地球表面与中间层/电离层之间存在大气电场(AEF)或电势梯度(PG),为正值。在极地地区的暴风雪/暴风雪期间,AEF/PG 为 10 3 使用电场磨在 1.4 m 高处观察到在晴朗天气下相同极性的 V/m。相比之下,2015 年在南极洲 Syowa 站观察到暴风雪后 AEF/PG 中度负变化。幅度从几十到几百 V/m 的负变化逐渐恢复为正 AEF/PG 40 多分钟。根据实验室实验和野外观测对吹/漂雪动力学和电学的各种研究,与雪面碰撞的雪粒子带电,暴风雪期间悬浮和跳跃的粒子带电平均为负。为了验证在暴风雪期间和之后观察到的 AEF/PG,我们使用三维泊松方程对电场磨机的导电传感器单元周围的电场进行了数值估计。在暴风雪条件下,估计的 AEF/PG 的极性与观察到的 AEF/PG 的极性相反。从现场碾磨机的噪声研究中,我们推断出正 AEF/PG 变化是由带负电的雪粒子与传感器单元上​​的电探针碰撞引起的。暴风雪刚过,4.4 m高处测得的雪粒数量明显减少,摄像机图像清晰可见。根据这些证据,我们对落到地表的悬浮和跳跃的带负电荷的雪粒子进行建模,然后构建了一个软附着在地面上的雪粒子的电荷层,随着对粉末电阻的研究,它慢慢放电。基于模型的三维泊松计算再现了中等负的 AEF/PG。因此,我们阐明了暴风雪期间和之后强烈的正电场和中等负电场的起源分别是带电雪粒子与传感器单元上​​的电探针碰撞和软附着在地面上的负雪层。这些结果适用于火星和地球沙漠的沙尘暴带电、极地地区和日本富士山等高山的暴风雪带电以及工业粉尘湍流带电的研究,为强带电的识别提供了依据。和风暴。
