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Tennantite-(Hg), Cu6(Cu4Hg2)As4S13, a new tetrahedrite-group mineral from the Lengenbach quarry, Binn, Switzerland
Mineralogical Magazine ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1180/mgm.2021.59
Cristian Biagioni 1 , Jiří Sejkora 2 , Thomas Raber 3 , Philippe Roth 4 , Yves Moëlo 5 , Zdenĕk Dolníček 2 , Marco Pasero 6

Tennantite-(Hg), Cu6(Cu4Hg2)As4S13, was approved as a new mineral species (IMA2020-063) from the Lengenbach quarry, Imfeld, Binn Valley, Canton Valais, Switzerland. It was identified as an aggregate of black metallic tetrahedral crystals, less than 0.1 mm in size, intimately associated with sinnerite, and grown on realgar. In reflected light, tennantite-(Hg) is isotropic, grey in colour, with creamy tints. Minimum and maximum reflectance data for COM wavelengths in air are [λ (nm): R (%)]: 470: 29.1; 546: 29.1; 589: 28.5; 650: 27.7. Electron microprobe analysis gave (in wt.% – average of 7 spot analyses): Cu 32.57(42), Ag 6.38(19), Tl 0.29(14), Zn 0.04(5), Hg 17.94(2.27), Pb 0.70(51), As 17.83(61), Sb 0.34(8), S 24.10(41), total 100.19(1.04). The empirical formula of the sample studied, recalculated on the basis of ΣMe = 16 atoms per formula unit, is (Cu4.69Ag1.04Tl0.03)Σ5.76(Cu4.35Hg1.58Pb0.06Zn0.01)Σ6.00(As4.20Sb0.05)Σ4.25S13.26. Tennantite-(Hg) is cubic, I$\overline 4$3m, with a = 10.455(7) Å, V = 1143(2) Å3 and Z = 2. The crystal structure of tennantite-(Hg) has been refined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction data to a final R1 = 0.0897 on the basis of 214 unique reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 22 refined parameters. Tennantite-(Hg) is isotypic with other members of the tetrahedrite group. Mercury is hosted at the tetrahedrally coordinated M(1) site, in accord with the relatively long M(1)–S(1) distance (2.389 Å), similar to that observed in tetrahedrite-(Hg). Minor Ag is located at the triangularly-coordinated and split M(2) site. Other occurrences of tennantite-(Hg) are briefly reviewed and the Lengenbach finding is described within the framework of previous knowledge about the Hg mineralogy at this locality.


Tennantite-(Hg), Cu6(Cu4Hg2)As4S13,一种来自瑞士宾恩 Lengenbach 采石场的新四面体矿物

Tennantite-(Hg), Cu 6 (Cu 4 Hg 2 )As 4 S 13被批准为来自瑞士瓦莱州宾谷伊姆费尔德的伦根巴赫采石场的新矿物种 (IMA2020-063)。它被确定为黑色金属四面体晶体的集合体,尺寸小于 0.1 毫米,与奥氏体密切相关,并在雄黄上生长。在反射光下,tennantite-(Hg) 呈各向同性,呈灰色,带有奶油色。COM 波长在空气中的最小和最大反射数据为 [λ (nm): R(%)]:470:29.1;546:29.1;589:28.5;650:27.7。电子微探针分析给出(重量百分比 – 7 次点分析的平均值):Cu 32.57(42)、Ag 6.38(19)、Tl 0.29(14)、Zn 0.04(5)、Hg 17.94(2.27)、Pb 0.70( 51), As 17.83(61), Sb 0.34(8), S 24.10(41), 总计 100.19(1.04)。所研究样品的经验公式,根据每分子式单位Σ Me = 16 个原子重新计算,为 (Cu 4.69 Ag 1.04 Tl 0.03 ) Σ5.76 (Cu 4.35 Hg 1.58 Pb 0.06 Zn 0.01 ) Σ6.00 (As 4.20) Sb 0.05 ) Σ4.25 S 13.26. Tennantite-(Hg) 是立方体,I $\overline 4$ 3 ma = 10.455(7) Å,V = 1143(2) Å 3Z = 2。 Tennantite-(Hg) 的晶体结构已经基于 214 次F o > 4σ( F o ) 和 22 个精炼参数的独特反射,通过单晶 X 射线衍射数据精炼至最终R 1 = 0.0897 。Tennantite-(Hg) 与四面体群的其他成员同型。水星位于四面体配位的M (1) 位点,与相对较长的M(1)–S(1) 距离 (2.389 Å),类似于在四面体-(Hg) 中观察到的距离。次要 Ag 位于三角形协调且分裂的M (2) 位点。简要回顾了其他 Tennantite-(Hg) 的出现,并在先前关于该地区 Hg 矿物学的知识框架内描述了 Lengenbach 的发现。
