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Effects of Carbon Mitigation on Co-pollutants at Industrial Facilities in Europe
The Energy Journal ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.5547/01956574.42.5.kzwi
Klara Zwickl , Simon Sturn 1 , James K. Boyce 2

Abstract: In addition to global climate benefits, carbon mitigation improves local air quality by reducing emissions of hazardous co-pollutants. Using data on large industrial point sources in Europe, we estimate how changes in carbon dioxide emissions affect emissions of the three co-pollutants SOX, NOX, and PM10 for samples of 630 to 2,400 facilities for the years 2007 to 2015. We find substantial and statistically significant co-pollutant elasticities of about 1.0 for SOX, 0.9 for NOX, and 0.7 for PM10. These elasticities vary by economic activity, and are substantially higher for the production of energy. For climate policy-induced CO2 emission reductions we find elasticities in the energy sector of 1.2 to 1.8 for SOX, 1.1 to 1.5 for NOX, and 0.8 for PM10. Using these estimates to calculate monetary air quality co-benefits suggests that conventional European Environmental Agency estimates of carbon damages that omit co-benefits significantly underestimate the benefits of carbon mitigation.



摘要:除了全球气候效益外,碳减排还通过减少有害共同污染物的排放来改善当地空气质量。利用欧洲大型工业点源的数据,我们估计了 2007 年至 2015 年间 630 至 2,400 个设施的样本中二氧化碳排放量的变化如何影响三种共同污染物 SOX、NOX 和 PM10 的排放。 SOX 的共污染物弹性约为 1.0,NOX 为 0.9,PM10 为 0.7。这些弹性因经济活动而异,并且对于能源生产而言要高得多。对于气候政策引起的 CO2 减排,我们发现能源部门的 SOX 弹性为 1.2 至 1.8,NOX 为 1.1 至 1.5,PM10 为 0.8。