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Theoretical contributions to the investigation of educational effectiveness: towards a dilemmatic approach
Cambridge Journal of Education ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-18 , DOI: 10.1080/0305764x.2021.1948971
Ariel Sarid 1


The study of educational effectiveness has become increasingly complex. Alongside methodological advancements in the investigation and measurement of educational effectiveness, meta-analyses conducted by leading researchers have shown that the field has been suffering from a significant lack of theory or from a weak theoretical basis. The present paper seeks to address this gap by connecting the four models of organisational effectiveness incorporated in Quinn and Rohrbaugh’s framework of competing values to the four dualities of educational design that appear in Wenger’s theory of communities of practice. By doing so, the paper contributes theoretical insights towards the development of a dilemmatic approach to the study of educational effectiveness. Based on the theoretical insights offered here, the paper argues that effective educational organisations are those that are able to address successfully and on an ongoing basis paradoxical tensions and incorporate interrelated and yet contradictory elements of the educational process and school organisation.




教育效果的研究变得越来越复杂。除了教育有效性调查和衡量方法的进步,主要研究人员进行的荟萃分析表明,该领域一直严重缺乏理论或理论基础薄弱。本文试图通过将 Quinn 和 Rohrbaugh 的竞争价值观框架中包含的四种组织效率模型与 Wenger 的实践社区理论中出现的教育设计的四种二元性联系起来来解决这一差距。通过这样做,本文为发展教育有效性研究的困境方法提供了理论见解。基于此处提供的理论见解,
