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Domestic Violence and Whole Family Interventions: Charting Change in the Lives of Service Users
The British Journal of Social Work ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03 , DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab176
Trevor Spratt 1 , Lorraine Swords 2 , Holly Hanlon 2

In this article we report the results of the introduction of measures to ascertain the impact of therapeutic services for families where domestic violence has taken place. The setting is a specialist service for families located in Dublin, Ireland. The overall goal of the intervention was the ending of violence. To help achieve this, therapies sought to reduce conflict, promote better parental mental health and improve the quality of relationships between parents and children. Using validated instruments, measures were taken at Time 1 (entering service) from seventy-one mothers and forty fathers. At the time of data analysis for this article thirty-seven mothers and twenty-four fathers had completed the Time 2 (leaving service) surveys. Results indicate significant reduction in conflict between participating partners, and improvements in parental mental health and quality of parent–child relationships. These results add support to the view that whilst intervention goals must include the cessation of domestic violence, this can only be achieved with due attention to the complexity of the causes. The use of validated instruments is helpful in seeking to establish outcomes measures that may supplement more traditional measures of efficacy of interventions within specialist services.



在本文中,我们报告了采取措施确定治疗服务对发生家庭暴力的家庭的影响的结果。该环境是为位于爱尔兰都柏林的家庭提供的专业服务。干预的总体目标是结束暴力。为了帮助实现这一目标,治疗旨在减少冲突,促进父母更好的心理健康,并改善父母与孩子之间的关系质量。使用经过验证的工具,在时间 1(进入服务阶段)对 71 位母亲和 40 位父亲进行了测量。在本文进行数据分析时,37 名母亲和 24 名父亲完成了 Time 2(离职)调查。结果表明参与伙伴之间的冲突显着减少,改善父母的心理健康和亲子关系的质量。这些结果支持了这样一种观点,即虽然干预目标必须包括停止家庭暴力,但这只能在适当注意原因的复杂性的情况下才能实现。使用经过验证的工具有助于寻求建立结果测量,以补充更传统的专家服务中干预措施的有效性测量。