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Adventures in Space Science
Solar Physics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s11207-021-01851-z
George Doschek 1

This memoir is a summary of my early childhood, education, and research career at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, DC. I describe my early interest in astronomy and how I wound up working in the fields of solar physics and X-ray-UV spectroscopy of high temperature plasmas. I describe some of my home life and other interests, my education at the University of Pittsburgh, and the various projects and management activities that I have been fortunate to work on at NRL. I have been blessed with being able to work at a first-class research laboratory populated by outstanding scientists. I am particularly blessed to have worked with my many friends and colleagues in the NRL Space Science Division. Perhaps I am most blessed by having had wonderful parents that gave me the interests I have in life and the passion to pursue them, and an outstanding wife that has been my partner through good and bad times for over 50 years. I am now retired but for three years I was a participant in the NRL Voluntary Emeritus Program (VEP). However, this memoir is a personal account, and not work done as a VEP.



这本回忆录是我在华盛顿特区海军研究实验室 (NRL) 的早期童年、教育和研究生涯的总结。我描述了我早期对天文学的兴趣,以及我如何最终在太阳物理学和高温等离子体的 X 射线紫外光谱领域工作。我描述了我的一些家庭生活和其他兴趣、我在匹兹堡大学的教育以及我有幸在 NRL 工作的各种项目和管理活动。我很幸运能够在由杰出科学家组成的一流研究实验室工作。我特别有幸与 NRL 空间科学部的许多朋友和同事一起工作。也许我最幸运的是有一对很棒的父母,他们给了我生活中的兴趣和追求他们的热情,以及一位出色的妻子,50 多年来,她一直是我的伙伴,无论顺境还是逆境。我现在退休了,但三年来我一直是 NRL 志愿名誉计划 (VEP) 的参与者。但是,本回忆录是个人帐户,而不是作为 VEP 完成的工作。
