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Youth ice hockey COVID-19 protocols and prevention of sport-related transmission
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104363
Allison Krug 1 , Richard Appleby 2 , Robert Pizzini 2 , Tracy Beth Høeg 3, 4

Objectives This observational study evaluated the impact of return-to-play protocols to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a youth ice hockey programme in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Methods Following an outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in November 2020, a COVID-19 Response Team evaluated the epidemiological data to identify transmission dynamics and develop enhanced protocols to prevent transmission. During the subsequent 18-week study period, incident cases were investigated to identify the likely transmission source; testing, quarantine and isolation recommendations were provided to families in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Results Simple but stringent protocols were implemented among 148 youth ice hockey players ages 6–18. Players were required to arrive at the rink in full gear; locker rooms were closed, building entry was limited to one parent per player, and masks were required at all times except for players on the ice. Following implementation of the enhanced protocols, more than 500 practices and games were completed with at least 15 858 athlete-hours of exposure and no within-programme COVID-19 transmission was detected despite high community incidence and sporadic household exposures. Conclusion This study suggests indoor youth sports can operate safely with appropriate protocols in place, even within communities of high COVID-19 transmission, even when athletes are not yet vaccinated or wearing masks during play. Transmission appears to be more likely in congested indoor areas involving adults than on the ice during play. Protocols should be developed in collaboration with programme participants. Strong collaboration in the interest of youth sports can motivate adoption of protocols which prevent within-team transmission. Data are available on reasonable request.


青少年冰球 COVID-19 协议和预防运动相关传播

目标 这项观察性研究评估了弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚海滩青少年冰球项目中重返比赛方案对防止 SARS-CoV-2 传播的影响。方法 2020 年 11 月 SARS-CoV-2 爆发后,COVID-19 响应小组评估了流行病学数据,以确定传播动态并制定增强方案来防止传播。在随后的 18 周研究期间,对事件病例进行了调查,以确定可能的传播源;根据疾病控制和预防中心的指导方针,向家庭提供了检测、检疫和隔离建议。结果 在 148 名 6-18 岁的青少年冰球运动员中实施了简单但严格的方案。球员必须全副武装到达冰场;更衣室关闭,大楼仅限每位球员一名家长进入,除冰上球员外,任何时候都需要戴口罩。实施增强协议后,完成了超过 500 场练习和比赛,运动员暴露时间至少为 15,858 小时,尽管社区发病率较高且家庭暴露情况也存在零星情况,但没有检测到项目内的 COVID-19 传播。结论 这项研究表明,即使在 COVID-19 高传播社区内,即使运动员在比赛期间尚未接种疫苗或未戴口罩,室内青少年运动也可以通过适当的协议安全进行。在成年人拥挤的室内区域,传播似乎比在冰上玩耍时更有可能发生。应与计划参与者合作制定协议。为了青少年体育的利益而进行的强有力的合作可以激励采用防止团队内传播的协议。可根据合理要求提供数据。