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Men Find Trophies Where Women Find Insults: Sharing Nude Images of Others as Collective Rituals of Sexual Pursuit and Rejection
Gender & Society ( IF 4.314 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-16 , DOI: 10.1177/08912432211036907
Morgan Johnstonbaugh 1

As sexting has become more common, so has the sharing of nude and semi-nude images of others. While women and men may both engage in this practice, when they do so they often participate in distinct gendered rituals. Drawing on 55 in-depth interviews with college students, I examine how the symbolic meanings attached to men and women’s nude images in the context of intimate heterosexual interactions shape collective rituals of sexual pursuit and sexual rejection. I find that men share images of women with their peers to demonstrate sexual prowess and receive praise, whereas women share images of men with their peers to cope with unwelcome sexual advances and receive support. These gendered rituals are linked to the perceived desirability of men’s and women’s nude images. While rituals of domination appear among men and reproduce unequal gender relations, rituals of commiseration appear among women to resist unequal gender relations.



随着色情短信变得越来越普遍,分享他人的裸体和半裸体图像也变得越来越普遍。虽然女性和男性都可能参与这种做法,但当他们这样做时,他们通常会参与不同的性别仪式。通过对大学生的 55 次深入采访,我研究了在亲密的异性交往背景下,男性和女性裸体图像的象征意义如何塑造性追求和性拒绝的集体仪式。我发现男性与同龄人分享女性形象是为了展示性能力并获得表扬,而女性与同龄人分享男性形象是为了应对不受欢迎的性挑逗并获得支持。这些性别化的仪式与人们对男性和女性裸体图像的可取性有关。
