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Research and Innovation in the Private Forestry Sector: Past Successes and Future Opportunities
Journal of Forestry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-17 , DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvab039
Jessica Homyack 1 , Eric Sucre 2 , Lauren Magalska 3 , Thomas Fox 4

The private forestry sector faces enormous challenges from complex environmental issues concurrent with societal concerns about intensive forest management and application of silvicultural tools. At the same time, research and development spending and the scientific workforce in the forestry sector has declined. However, the forestry sector has a long history of strategic deployment of science and technology to manage timberlands for many uses, including ecological services. To address science and societal needs from future forests, we describe past successes and potential future innovations of the forestry sector across (1) genetics, (2) silviculture and productivity, (3) harvesting and logging technology, (4) environmental sustainability, and (5) remote sensing and unmanned aerial vehicles. Developing technology is only one component, however; progressing towards sector goals of diversifying the workforce, explicitly valuing research collaborations, and integrating big data across ownerships to guide management decisions will hasten innovation. With the growing complexity of social-ecological-economic challenges, the private forestry sector must enact a tactical approach to addressing stressors with evolving research structures. We offer a vision of a vibrant private forestry sector poised to integrate technological innovation to continue meeting society’s needs through the intersecting effects of climate change and other challenges.



私营林业部门面临着复杂的环境问题带来的巨大挑战,同时社会对集约化森林管理和造林工具的应用也感到担忧。与此同时,林业部门的研发支出和科学劳动力有所下降。然而,林业部门长期以来一直在战略性地部署科学技术来管理林地以实现多种用途,包括生态服务。为了满足未来森林的科学和社会需求,我们描述了林业部门过去在 (1) 遗传学、(2) 造林和生产力、(3) 采伐和伐木技术、(4) 环境可持续性和(5)遥感和无人机。然而,开发技术只是其中一个组成部分;朝着实现劳动力多元化、明确重视研究合作以及跨所有制整合大数据以指导管理决策的行业目标前进将加速创新。随着社会-生态-经济挑战的日益复杂,私营林业部门必须制定一种战术方法来应对不断发展的研究结构的压力源。我们提出了一个充满活力的私营林业部门的愿景,该部门准备整合技术创新,通过气候变化和其他挑战的交叉影响继续满足社会需求。随着社会-生态-经济挑战的日益复杂,私营林业部门必须制定一种战术方法来应对不断发展的研究结构的压力源。我们提出了一个充满活力的私营林业部门的愿景,该部门准备整合技术创新,通过气候变化和其他挑战的交叉影响继续满足社会需求。随着社会-生态-经济挑战的日益复杂,私营林业部门必须制定一种战术方法来应对不断发展的研究结构的压力源。我们提出了一个充满活力的私营林业部门的愿景,该部门准备整合技术创新,通过气候变化和其他挑战的交叉影响继续满足社会需求。