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Permo-Triassic tetrapods and their climate implications
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103618
Jun Liu 1, 2, 3 , Kenneth D. Angielczyk 4, 5 , Fernando Abdala 5, 6

The narrow active temperature ranges of ectothermic tetrapods can be used as proxies for reconstructing paleoclimates. Here we deduce the climatic preferences of major Permo-Triassic tetrapod groups based on their known geographic distributions, the critical thermal limits of living tetrapods, and paleoclimate information from other sources. The resulting preferred temperature sequence of amniotes places most Triassic archosauromorphs at the high end of the spectrum, with preferred temperatures over 32 °C in some cases, followed by captorhinids, pareiasaurs, procolophonids, cynognathian cynodonts, dicynodonts (excluding Lystrosaurus), Proterosuchus fergusi, and finally Lystrosaurus at the lowest preferred temperature. The poleward distribution of Permian Lystrosaurus marks the border of cool temperate climates, whereas Triassic Lystrosaurus delineates the border of the arid zone. Most temnospondyls indicate the availability of perennial water sources. Captorhinids and pareiasaurs preferred dry climates, whereas dicynodonts preferred wetter conditions. Based on current evidence, central Pangea transitioned from an arid zone to a tropical zone during the late Olenekian.



变温四足动物狭窄的活动温度范围可用作重建古气候的替代物。在这里,我们根据已知的地理分布、现存四足动物的临界热极限以及来自其他来源的古气候信息推断出主要的二叠纪-三叠纪四足动物群的气候偏好。由此产生的羊膜动物的首选温度序列将大多数三叠纪原龙形动物置于光谱的高端,在某些情况下首选温度超过 32°C,其次是牛鼻科、副科、原唇科、犬颌犬科、双犬科(不包括水龙科)、原鳄科最后是处于最低首选温度的水。二叠纪向极分布水龙龙标志着凉爽温带气候的边界,而三叠纪水龙龙则划定了干旱区的边界。大多数 temnospondyls 表明常年水源的可用性。Captorhinids 和 pareiasaurs 喜欢干燥的气候,而二齿兽类则喜欢潮湿的环境。根据目前的证据,盘古大陆中部在奥列尼克纪晚期从干旱区转变为热带区。
