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Prioritization and selection of high fuelwood producing plant species at Boset District, Central Ethiopia: an ethnobotanical approach
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-16 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-021-00474-9
Tinsae Bahru 1 , Berhane Kidane 1 , Amsalu Tolessa 2

In Ethiopia, about 92.3% of all the fuelwood (firewood and/or charcoal) is consumed for cooking, heating and lighting purposes by domestic households and the demand is growing from 10 to 14%. However, there are little/no practical experiences or documented indigenous knowledge on how traditional people identify and select high fuelwood producing plant species with short rotation periods at Boset District. Therefore, the present study was aimed at: (1) selecting and documenting high fuelwood producing plant species at Boset District; (2) identifying major predictor variables that influence the prioritization and selection of species; and (3) develop a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) to predict the selection of species. A total of 96 informants comprising 59 men and 37 women between the ages of 18 and 81 were sampled. Data were collected using structured interviews, guided field walk, discussions and field observations. Collected data indicated that 88.5% of the informants involved in firewood collection, while 90% practiced charcoal making. A total of 1533.60 Birr per household on average was earned annually from this activity. A total of 25 fuelwood producing plant species were identified and documented at Boset District. Of these, Acacia senegal, Acacia tortilis and Acacia robusta were the three best prioritized and selected indigenous high fuelwood producing species. Prosopis juliflora, Parthenium hysterophorus, Azadirachta indica, Calotropis procera, Cryptostegia grandiflora, Lantana camara and Senna occidentalis further grouped under introduced fuelwood species. Prediction of GLM assured sampled Kebeles and source of income generated from fuelwood species positively and significantly (p < 0.001) related to selection of species. Higher efficiency to provide energy and heat; little or no smoke or soot; easier to cut and split the wood and easier availability were some of the main selection criteria. This study provides valuable information in selecting and documenting of high fuelwood producing plant species for proper management and sustainable use at Boset District. The three most selected species (A. senegal, A. tortilis and A. robusta) should be further evaluated at laboratory to determine their calorific value and combustion characteristics.



在埃塞俄比亚,大约 92.3% 的薪材(木柴和/或木炭)被家庭用于烹饪、取暖和照明用途,需求量从 10% 增长到 14%。然而,关于传统人如何在 Boset 区识别和选择高薪材生产植物物种的短轮伐期,几乎没有/没有实践经验或记录在案的土著知识。因此,本研究的目的是:(1)选择和记录 Boset 区的高薪材生产植物物种;(2) 确定影响物种优先次序和选择的主要预测变量;(3) 开发一个广义线性模型 (GLM) 来预测物种的选择。共抽取了 96 名知情人,其中包括 59 名男性和 37 名女性,年龄在 18 至 81 岁之间。数据是通过结构化访谈、有指导的实地考察、讨论和实地观察收集的。收集到的数据表明,88.5% 的举报人从事拾柴工作,而 90% 的人从事木炭制作。每户平均每年从这项活动中赚取 1533.60 比尔。在 Boset 区共鉴定并记录了 25 种薪材生产植物物种。其中,Acacia senegal、Acacia tortilis 和 Acaciarobusta 是三个最优先考虑和选择的本土高薪材生产树种。Prosopis juliflora、Parthenium hysterophorus、Azadirachta indica、Calotropis procera、Cryptostegia grandiflora、Lantana camara 和 Senna occidentalis 进一步归类为引入的薪材树种。GLM 的预测保证抽样 Kebeles 和薪材物种产生的收入来源与物种选择呈正显着 (p < 0.001) 相关。提供能量和热量的效率更高;很少或没有烟雾或烟灰;更容易切割和劈开木材以及更容易获得是一些主要的选择标准。本研究为 Boset 区选择和记录高薪材生产植物物种以进行适当管理和可持续利用提供了宝贵信息。选择最多的三个物种(A. senegal、A. tortilis 和 A.robusta)应在实验室进一步评估,以确定它们的热值和燃烧特性。更容易切割和劈开木材以及更容易获得是一些主要的选择标准。这项研究为选择和记录高薪材生产植物物种以在 Boset 区进行适当管理和可持续利用提供了宝贵的信息。选择最多的三个物种(A. senegal、A. tortilis 和 A.robusta)应在实验室进一步评估,以确定它们的热值和燃烧特性。更容易切割和劈开木材以及更容易获得是一些主要的选择标准。这项研究为选择和记录高薪材生产植物物种以在 Boset 区进行适当管理和可持续利用提供了宝贵的信息。选择最多的三个物种(A. senegal、A. tortilis 和 A.robusta)应在实验室进一步评估,以确定它们的热值和燃烧特性。