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The differing impacts of brand-line breadth and depth on customers’ repurchasing behavior of frequently purchased packaged goods
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-021-00797-9
Philippe Aurier 1 , Mejía Victor D. 2

Offering the ideal product that individuals will systematically repurchase (intensification) and satisfying their need for variety in order to make them cross-purchase within a brand-line’s products (diversification) instead of switching toward competitors are two fundamental functions of brand-lines. Both rely on product variety, organized along breadth (complementary products) and depth (substitutes). We analyze the differing impacts that breadth and depth have on brand-line repurchasing behavior. Repurchasing is broken down into four components based on its motivation, intensification (repurchasing the same product) vs. diversification (cross-purchasing), and its temporal perspective, inter-trip (over shopping trips) vs. intra-trip (during purchasing trips). Whereas breadth demonstrates only positive effects on the repurchasing components, it has no protective effect against brand-switching. Conversely, depth has a negative impact on inter-trip product repurchasing, the most frequent repurchasing component, but offers a protective negative impact against brand-switching. We examine the moderating impacts of brand-line quality, brand-line alignability, and household size.



