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Neurogenesis-dependent transformation of hippocampal engrams
Neuroscience Letters ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2021.136176
Sangyoon Y Ko 1 , Paul W Frankland 2

In humans and other mammals, memories of events are encoded by neuronal ensembles (or engrams) in the hippocampus. The mnemonic information stored in these engrams can then be used to guide future behavior, including prediction- and decision-making in dynamic environments. While some hippocampal engrams may be persistently stored, others are modified over time, suggesting that the represented memories may also be transformed. How might hippocampal engrams be modified through time? Adult hippocampal neurogenesis represents one process that continuously rewires hippocampal circuitry, presumably including stored hippocampal engrams. At intermediate stages, we propose that neurogenesis-mediated rewiring of hippocampal engram circuitry induces forgetting of specific stimulus attributes, and this less precise engram allows for generalization. At more advanced stages, we propose that neurogenesis-mediated rewiring of hippocampal engram circuitry leads to silencing of hippocampal engrams, rendering them no longer accessible by natural retrieval cues.



