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Cognate versus xenocrystic olivines in kimberlites – A review
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103771
Andy Moore 1 , Gelu Costin 2 , Alexander Proyer 3

Models for a xenocryst origin for kimberlite olivines emphasise the similarity between their core compositions and those in mantle peridotites. While this permits a xenocryst origin, it does not provide proof, as magmas generated in equilibrium with mantle olivines could, in principle, crystallize initial olivines matching those in the source region. Further, in several kimberlites, there is a striking disparity between the compositional range of olivine cores and that in associated mantle peridotite xenoliths from the same locality. Olivine-liquid Mg-Fe exchange coefficients and Ni partition coefficients permit equilibrium between Mg-rich mantle olivines (Mg # ~ 94–93) and magmas matching kimberlite bulk rock compositions. Glass inclusions in olivine megacrysts from the Monastery kimberlite, with compositions which overlap the range of archetypal Group I kimberlites, were interpreted to represent original liquids trapped at pressures of 4.5–6 GPa. These glass inclusions provide direct petrographic support for primitive melts matching kimberlite bulk chemistry in the lower SCLM.

A majority of kimberlitic olivines show normal (decreasing Mg #) core to rim zonation. Cores of normal-zoned kimberlitic olivines are typically homogeneous, but collectively define a field with a range in Mg # and invariant or slightly decreasing Ni towards more Fe-rich compositions. The most Mg-rich cores of normal-zoned olivines typically have Mg # in the range 94–93, but there are marked differences in the Fe-rich extreme of the normal-zoned population between different kimberlite clusters. Olivine rims typically define a field characterized by steeply decreasing Ni, coupled with invariant or slightly increasing or decreasing Mg #, which invariably overlaps the Fe-extreme of core compositions of the relatively Mg-rich, normal-zoned olivines. Consequently, while there is a sharp inflection in chemical gradient between the respective fields of cores and rims, they nevertheless define a continuous compositional field. Trace element modelling demonstrates that these zonation patterns can be explained in terms of a Raleigh crystallization model.

Most, if not all kimberlites are characterized by a subordinate group of olivine macrocrysts with cores that are Fe-rich relative to the field for rims, and thus show reverse zonation, which are interpreted to be linked to the Cr-poor megacryst suite. Rare Mg-rich olivines (relative to rims), have high-pressure inclusions of garnet, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. When present, such inclusions often show disequilibrium features such as internal chemical zonation. This points to a very short mantle residence time prior to entrainment by the host kimberlite, indicating a link to the Cr-rich megacryst suite rather than mantle peridotites. In addition to a variable, but generally subordinate proportion of olivines derived from Cr-poor and Cr-rich megacrysts, xenocrysts derived from disaggregated mantle peridotites will undoubtedly be present. While their proportions are difficult to quantify, the collective evidence points to a cognate origin for a majority of kimberlitic olivines. A kimberlite magma ascent model is proposed which provides a framework for understanding both olivine compositional variation and apparently enigmatic internal and external olivine morphology.



金伯利岩橄榄石的异晶起源模型强调了它们的核心成分与地幔橄榄岩中的成分之间的相似性。虽然这允许异种水晶起源,但它没有提供证据,因为与地幔橄榄石平衡产生的岩浆原则上可以结晶与源区中的橄榄石相匹配的初始橄榄石。此外,在几个金伯利岩中,橄榄石核的组成范围与来自同一地点的相关地幔橄榄岩包体的组成范围存在显着差异。橄榄石-液体 Mg-Fe 交换系数和 Ni 分配系数允许富镁地幔橄榄石(Mg # ~ 94-93)和与金伯利岩块状岩石成分相匹配的岩浆之间达到平衡。Monastery 金伯利岩橄榄石巨晶中的玻璃包裹体,其成分与原型 I 组金伯利岩的范围重叠,被解释为代表在 4.5-6 GPa 压力下捕获的原始液体。

大多数金伯利岩橄榄石显示出正常(减少 Mg #)的核到边缘分带。正常带金伯利岩橄榄石的核心通常是均质的,但共同定义了一个范围在 Mg # 和不变或略微减少 Ni 到更富含 Fe 的成分的领域。正常带橄榄石中最富镁的核心通常具有 94-93 范围内的 Mg #,但不同金伯利岩簇之间正常带族群的富铁极端存在显着差异。橄榄石边缘通常定义了一个以 Ni 急剧下降为特征的场,同时伴随着不变或略微增加或减少的 Mg #,它总是与相对富镁、正区橄榄石的核心成分的 Fe 极端重叠。最后,虽然核心和边缘的各自领域之间的化学梯度存在急剧变化,但它们仍然定义了一个连续的组成领域。微量元素建模表明这些分带模式可以用 Raleigh 结晶模型来解释。

